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Q: What are the people who help players recover on the field when they get hurt?
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The Clare Foundation can help one recover from addiction to many substances. They help people recover from alcohol addiction as well as cocaine, heroin or solvent addiction.

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How do you play soccer with eight players?

If you have 8 persons total you can split into two teams of 4 and shorten the goal size. 4 field players per team and usually no goalie or you could use 3 field players and a goalie per team. If you have 16 people you would do the same as above, but you would probably want to have a goalie for each team. If you can move the goals closer to shorten the field it will help improve the quality of the game.

What was the goal of the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation?

To help people with polio recover (therapy) >.<

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They turn to drugs, prescribed by Doctors, to help them recover from illnesses.

What businees can help recover deleted files on my computer?

That all depends on how your boyfriend deleted them. It may be possible to recover the data that was deleted. Places like Best Buy have people who will come to your house and help you with these types to taskes.

What are the white lines on a soccer field?

some school do maths and they help or the manger tells the players whats number to stay on

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IT can help them recover for heart attacks.

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Great depression

How do you get players for counter strike?

People join servers on their own.If you want a higher chance of having players join your server, having more players or a lower ping may help.

Are there any organizations that help people clean up and recover in tornado?

Yes. Branches of the federal government often help in cleanup and recovery, as do organizations such as the Red Cross.