

What are forced draft convectors?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What are forced draft convectors?
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What materials are good convectors?

Good materials for convectors are metals like aluminum and copper, as they have high thermal conductivity and can effectively transfer heat. Additionally, materials that have good corrosion resistance and durability are beneficial for long-term use in convectors. Some convectors may also have coatings or finishes to enhance heat transfer and protect the material from wear and tear.

What is the function of forced draft fan?

force draft fan is helped in producing draft. therefore, no requirement of more chimney height. with the help of forced draft we would rapidly circulated the air from boiler to chimney. this fan is mounted near the boiler bottom.

What forced men into the army in the Civil War?

The Draft.

What did Shays' Rebellion do?

It forced the realization that the Articles of Confederation were unworkable, and a Convention was called to draft the Constitution.

Why induced draft fan capacity is more compare to forced draft fan in power plant?

Because it is induced

Is forced draft has negative pressure drop?

No, the forced draft fan has positive pressure as it just forces yhe air into the combustion chamber.only the induced draft fan has negative pressureas it removes the flue gases & exhaust gases is stacked up

What is Difference between natural draft and forced draft in modern furnace technology?

natural draft depends on:ambient air conditionsconditions of the leaving gaschimney height

Forced draft fan vs induced draft fan?

In a balanced draft boiler, you actually have both: forced draft (FD) fans supplying air to the furnace, and induced draft (ID) fans removing flue gas. Typically, the FD fans control airflow, while ID Fans control furnace pressure to slightly below atmospheric pressure. In general though, the choice between forced draft and induced draft is based on how "tight" the system is - if you have leaks, it is better to use ID, as FD will cause product loss.

What is it called when you are forced to serve in the armed forces?

Conscription (the Draft)

Forced service in the military by the government is called?

Draft, conscription, or compulsory service.

The law that forced millions of men to register for the draft was known as?

Selective Service Act

This means that all abled men from 20-45 are forced to join the war?

the draft.................