Jhonas Enroth was born on 1988-06-25.
Jhonas Enroth plays for the Buffalo Sabres.
Jhonas Enroth plays goalie for the Buffalo Sabres.
Jhonas Enroth is number 1 on the Buffalo Sabres.
Jhonas Enroth was born in Stockholm, Sweden on 06-25-88.
NHL player Jhonas Enroth shoots left.
NHL player Jhonas Enroth weighs 165 pounds.
NHL player Jhonas Enroth was born on 06-25-88 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 26 years old.
Ryan miller and Patrick lalime and Jhonas enroth
The two goalies for the Buffalo Sabres are Ryan Miller and Patrick Lalime. Currently, Miller is injured, so the Sabres have recalled Jhonas Enroth to back up Lalime.
Ronald Enroth was born on 1938-10-28.
Mauno Enroth was born on August 19, 1909, in Turku, Finland.