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Q: How much did Walter Payton leg press?
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Are there inherent DANGERS in leg press?

To much force applied to the leg press has been known to flatten legs.

Which quarterback started the leg lifting tactic?

payton manning

How much does an nfl player leg press?

1200 lbs

How much weight is 4 plates on the leg press machine?

Four plates on the leg press machine typically weigh around 180 pounds.

How do you do leg presses?

You press your leg up

How much weight is 6 plates on the leg press machine?

The weight of 6 plates on the leg press machine typically ranges from 270 to 360 pounds, depending on the standard weight of each plate.

How much weight can the human legs hold?

Probably a lot of weight. I can leg press 175kgs with ease.

How much could Earl Campbell leg press?

he benched 300 in college but in pros he benched 375

What is the recommended weight range for beginners using a leg press machine according to the leg press machine weight chart?

The recommended weight range for beginners using a leg press machine is typically between 50 to 70 of their body weight, as indicated on the leg press machine weight chart.

Are there benefits using a leg press machine?

Using a leg press machine is great exercise. There are many benefits to using the leg press machine such as increased muscle tone, decreased fat, and just general toning.

Is the leg press bad for your back?

The leg press can be bad for your back if done with improper form or too much weight, leading to strain or injury. It is important to use proper technique and start with a manageable weight to avoid back problems.

How much does Arnold Schwarzenegger leg press?

Well He could squat 405 for 10 or 12 reps in his prime. However having seen videos and pics of him squating it appears he does not break parallel on his squats. Leg press is a much easier exercise than the squat though seeign as you are not lifting but rather pushing a weight at a 45 degree angle. Perhaps he could leg press 2000lb for a rep max? Just a guess