they are so horible waite thwey do lots of help to all the people and thery help you and they do what you need and what you wan
The maximum weight for a person to skydive is 220 pounds.
you are strapped onto a professional skydiver through out the whole skydive you don't have to worry about a thing you just tag along.
A skydiver typically falls at a speed of about 120 mph (193 km/h) during freefall due to gravity. This speed is known as terminal velocity, when the force of air resistance balances the force of gravity acting on the skydiver.
Where do you come up with 62 miles? That's in excess of 300,000', pretty much outside the atmosphere. At that altitude the skydiver would exhilarate to well in excess of the speed of sound. The highest skydive was at 108,000'.
A skydiver typically achieves terminal velocity, the maximum velocity at which they fall through the air, within 10-12 seconds of jumping out of the plane. This usually occurs at around 120 mph (193 km/h) for a skydiver in a belly-to-earth position.
The current world record is from jumping from a balloon 843.6 mph. For a skydiver jumping from an airplane heading straight down close to 200 mph.
Websites such as Do It For Charity and Click and Jump have information on where one can skydive for charity. Many skydiving services will not charge for the skydive if it is being done for charity.
Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that slows down a skydiver's fall and helps cushion their landing. As the skydiver falls, air molecules exert a force opposite to their motion, creating resistance that ultimately slows them down and reduces the impact of hitting the ground.
The skydiver's downward velocity just before starting to fall would be zero, as they would be momentarily suspended in the air before gravity starts to accelerate them downwards.
There are about 32,000 member of the United States Parachute Association. That's a close enough answer. Not every skydiver is a member.
The skydiver's forward velocity can vary depending on factors such as body positioning, wind speed, and altitude. On average, a skydiver falling in a stable belly-to-earth position can reach speeds of around 120 mph (193 km/h).
No, penguins cannot skydive.