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Black Athletes Removed from Team

On October 17, fourteen black football players from the Univeristy of Wyoming (including six starters) were removed from their team by coach Lloyd Eaton for wearing black armbands on game day with BYU. The UW Black Student Alliance called a boycott of the game. (Salt Lake Tribune, November 30, 1969.)

Stanford Refuses to Schedule Sporting Events with BYU

On November 13, Stanford University (California) announced it would no longer compete with BYU. According to United Press International, the school would "schedule no new athletic or other competitions with Brigham Young University because of alleged racial discrimination by the Mormon Church."

First Presidency Statement

(Read full statement here) … we believe the Negro, as well as those of other races, should have his full Constitutional privileges as a member of society, and we hope that members of the Church everywhere will do their part as citizens to see that these rights are held inviolate. Each citizen must have equal opportunities and protection under the law with reference to civil rights.1970

Basketball Game Disrupted by Protest

A January 8 BYU Basketball game at Tucson (Arizona) was disrupted just before halftime by nine black students walking on the court in protest of the Church's racial policies. Lighter fluid was poured on the court and set on fire during the event. A week later, 3,000 students at Tucson attended a rally demanding the school sever relations with BYU.

Protests at Sporting Events Continue

During February and March, BYU sports teams and students faced protests at scheduled events in Seattle (University of Washington), Laramie (University of Wyoming), Fort Collins (Colorado State University), San Luis Obispo (California Poly), and New Mexico. The protest at Colorado State University turned violent, involving hundreds of students and security personnel.

University of Washington Drops Athletic Relations with BYU

In March, the University of Washington (Seattle) announced it would drop athletic relations with BYU when contracts ran out in 1972 (Deseret News, March 9, 1970).

BYU Faces Wider Athletic Problems

Student organizations of at least six universities (University of Arizona, Arizona State University, University of New Mexico, Colorado State University, University of Wyoming, and University of Hawaii) and at least one faculty senate (University of Washington) recommend severing athletic ties with BYU over Church racial policies.

Salt Lake Tribune Reports that David O. Mckay Says there is No Doctrine on Blacks

"President David O. Mckay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was quoted Wednesday as saying as early as 1954 that 'There is no doctrine in this church and there never was a doctrine in this church to the effect that the Negroes are under any kind of a divine curse.' (Read the full article here.)

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