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nylon bonded wax coated

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Q: What kind of thread is used to stitch a softball?
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A definition of a back stitch?

back⋅stitch-noun 1. stitching or a stitch in which the thread is doubled back on the preceding stitch. -verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 2. to sew by know there is a site called Yeah.

How is the kettle stitch used in the process of book binding?

The kettle stitch is a type of stitch used in bookbinding to secure the pages of a book together. It is made by looping the thread through the last signature of the book and tying it off to create a strong and durable binding.

How is yarn made into fabric?

they stitch it Yarn is used to knit garments. Thread is used to weave fabric. For details on cloth making, see Weaving.

What is used to undo stitching?

An unpicker, also known as a stitch remover. It is a tool with a handle and at one end and a hook device at the other that separates and cuts the thread.

What kind of embroidery Stitches were used on the bayeux tapestry?

stem stitch, chain stitch, split stitch and a couching technique. Couching consists of straight stitches pinned down with bars and picots that fix the bars.

What are the differences between cover stitch and overlock stitches?

Cover stitch and overlock stitches are both types of sewing machine stitches used for finishing edges of fabric, but they serve different purposes. Cover stitch creates a professional-looking hem on garments, often seen on the hems of t-shirts and other knitwear. It has two or three rows of straight stitches on the top side and a looper thread on the back side. Overlock stitch, on the other hand, is used to seam or finish raw edges of fabric to prevent fraying. It trims the edge of the fabric and encloses it with thread to create a neat and durable finish. In summary, cover stitch is mainly for hemming while overlock stitch is for seaming and finishing raw edges.

What are stitch scissors?

what are stitch scissors used for

What kind of thread is used for stitching softballs?

nylon bonded wax coated

What is to sew with thread?

Pins are typically used to hold fabric in place prior to sewing, especially when hemming a dress or skirt or pants or, even, curtains.It makes it easier to move through the thread.Answer two:To hold the fabric in place while you sew.

What is cross stitching?

Cross-stitch is a popular form of counted-thread embroidery in which X-shaped stitches are used to form a picture. Cross-stitch is usually executed on easily countable evenweave fabric. The stitcher counts the threads in each direction so that the stitches are of uniform size and appearance. This form of cross-stitch is also called counted cross-stitch in order to distinguish it from other forms of cross-stitch. Sometimes cross-stitch is done on designs printed on the fabric (stamped cross-stitch); the stitcher simply stitches over the printed pattern.

What is the softball used for?

To play softball