I'd recommend you start with 2 swims, 2 bikes and 2 runs per week, and add 10% distance on weekly basis. Hope that helps!
Ben Greenfield
that depends on your distance and your fitness level. 12 weeks can be enough for a sprint. Or nothing at all.
ITU Sprint Distance Triathlon World Championships was created in 2010.
that depends what distance you want to do and if you can swim and bicycle at all....
The date for the first triathlon was was September, 25, 1974.
Alpine Fitness seems like a great way to train for an upcoming triathlon. It will be able to give you the guidance and motivation you need to get in top shape.
It depends on what the Triathlon is...Sprint Distance is usually a swim of about a half mile (0.47). Olympic or International Distance is a swim of about one mile (0.93). Then there is the half-Ironman (70.3) or Long Distance Triathlon as they are sometimes referred to which has a swim of 1.2 miles. Then the ultimate Triathlon that many work toward which is the full Ironman distance and that has a swim of 2.4 miles.
It depends on the type of triathlon you are doing. The sprint distance is 20k(12mi) the Olympic distance is 40k(25mi) the Half Ironman is 90k(56mi) and the Ironman is 180k(112mi)
The first triathlon was at MIssion Bay, San Diego, California.
Tri - Means Three Athlon - Means Competition A Triathlon literally refers to any competition of three sports/activities. However, it has linked with the Swim/Bike/Run competition, that goes by the name "Triathlon".
Hurdling, sprint workouts, lifting weights
A mini triathlon is shorter (in terms of overall distance) event that is designed to allow new triathletes to better their skills, or to encourage fitness enthusiasts to try the sport of triathlon (Swim + Bike + Run). Amongst the triathlon community, there are no standard distances for a mini triathlon; however, the distances would be on the order of: Swim (100 yds to 1/4 mile) Bike (6 miles to 12 miles) Run (1 mile to 3 miles) There are some generally accepted standard triathlon distances for longer events: Iron Distance (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) Half Iron Distance (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) Olympic Distance (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) A mini-triathlon may also be labelled, "Super-sprint", "sprint", "try-a-tri", "give it a tri"
First of all you dont train, you cant train and you will not train... you will be Kate. You walk like Kate, talk like Kate, you become Kate then and only then will you be able to reach the potential that no one in the world has except Kate. The problem is you will Not walk, talk or be like Kate. YOU cannot be Kate, therefore you cannot train and therefore you will never finish the 100m sprint in time. First of all who ever wrote this you are wrong!! you do have to train for the 100 meter cause if you dony how do you expect to get faster. Basically you probably do alot of sprint work at practice. you also do some pop ups and some block work. Cause you have to be in a block to do the 100 meter. the block gives you an advantage cause you foot pops of the pettle which allows you to get out really good