

Best Answer

There is a new baselayer out which increase velocity for pitching, batting and running Its by a company called asus you can find them at I bought one and it works for me . good luck

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Q: How do you make a baseball pitcher throw faster?
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How do you do stealing in baseball?

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Will striding when pitching make the baseball move at a higher speed?

While pitching your stride doesn't actually make the ball faster. What makes the ball look faster to a batter is how close you are. If you throw an 85mph fastball from 60 feet a batter will know but if you throw the same speed from 50 feet away the batter might think its coming 90-93 mph.

In baseball what is a bak?

The word is balk. In baseball, the offensive players do not need to stand on the base. They can stand off the base. When the pitcher has the ball, he is allowed to throw it to a teammate and the teammate can touch the opponent not on base with the ball. The opponent will be out and will leave the playing field. The pitcher can face the batter and then turn around and throw the ball to a teammate. The purpose of the pitcher is to throw the ball across home plate so the batter can hit it or not hit it. At some point the pitcher has to pitch the ball to the batter. The pitcher has to make some sort of a motion and then pitch the ball. If he makes the wrong kind of motion it is called a balk. It counts as a ball on the batter and a player on base gets to go to the next base. A lot of people in the audience can not tell when the pitcher has committed a balk.

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Why is the pitcher considered the most important defensive player on the team in baseball?

The pitcher in baseball at all levels of the game is vital to the defensive of the team. This holds true for youth baseball, college and professional baseball as well. Generally speaking the pitcher is the most important defensive player because he is involved with every single play in the inning pitched. The same is true for the team catcher, however, the pitcher must throw his pitch in a manner that prevents a batter from getting on base. If a pitcher cannot make most batters draw a strike or have the batter hit the ball to one of his teammates then the defense is in trouble.

How do you use throw as a noun?

"Throw" as a noun refers to an act of throwing something. For example, you can make a long throw in baseball or a quick throw in basketball.

How do you make your motor scooter go faster if you have a 2 stroke engine?

An improved flow of air and fuel mix will make the scooter faster. You can do this with an aftermarket exhaust.

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buy a new computer throw away the old computer

What two baseball players make up the battery?

The Pitcher and the Catcher

What does baseball stitching do?

the stitching on a baseball is there so you can throw different pitches such as a curveball. The stiches make the ball move different ways depending on how u grip it and how you throw it

How to make my son throw a baseball hard?

Play Long Toss Like Make Him Throw As Far As He Can And Play Catch Like That For 30 Every Day