

How do you do tech deck?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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13y ago

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well, teck decks are small skateboards that are based in big ones. They are very fun to play with and collect, TO " tech deck" you have to learn skills on a real skateboard and apply them on the TD or you can visit their website to learn tricks. One that i know is that you place it on a flat surface and with your hand just hit a small side, the right side and see how high it will fly in the air. It is a great present for any holiday! ( i known since i have experience with this )

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13y ago

Tech Deck (fingerboarding) is easy to learn depending on the person. Once you know some tricks, you'll be loving it. I made video tutorials on easy ans stylish tricks, here are some links.

Easy Tricks

How to Old School Kickflip / Fake a Kickflip ( I invented these fake ones :) ):

How to Flamingo / Fakie Flamingo ( I invented these fake ones :) )

A little bit harder tricks

How to Nollie-backwards ollie:

How to Casper / Fake a Casper (i invented these fake ones :) ):


Go to:

It will say there, also other tricks. Lots more finger skating stuff too!

The shove it page is:!shove-it-and-an-ollie

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