it is thought to be the first martial art. the Monks learned this and then came up with Kung Fu and so on and so on....
Well it is said that, "Kung-Fu" is the mother of martial arts..
Dojang is the common name used to describe a Korean martial arts training hall / school.
A master
A Gi and rhymes with glee.
The name will depend upon the martial art. In karate it is called a kata. Other arts use the word form or poomse for a sequence.
payattu is something like kalari or martial arts in English. its not exactly same
Well it is said that, "Kung-Fu" is the mother of martial arts..
Kalari payittru, which translates into something along the lines of "school of fighting". Though that translation emphasises the words' martial aspects. Just like the term Kung Fu, it can also have a much wider meaning.
Dojang is the common name used to describe a Korean martial arts training hall / school.
yesh he has the power to control mind . its true . he is an Indian he is andhra pradesh telugu.He is the third son of simhavarma II from pallava dynasty. He knows kalaripayattu very well, and he also have kudalini power to control minds and make miracles. accually kalari is a oldest and first martial art in this world which is generated by the great ancient man "parashurama" It is the mother of all martial arts in this world their is no other martial art like kalari not only bodhidharma their are so many saint's gone through out the world from Inida in ancient period to teach culture, tradition, mankind, and technology and science, medicine to this world.
A master
the Arni's Martial Arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon
A community of Kerala in India observe Daivjna Acharya Dinam. This community (traditional astrologers) has different regional names across the state of Kerala,such as Kanisan, Kalari panicker,Kaniyar panicker, Ganaka, etc .This day is said to be celebrated as a mark , for paying homage to their great forefathers and to commemorate their ancestor's traditional social roles as Astrologers, preceptors for learning literacy and numeracy (ezhuthu kalari) and Martial arts ( Kalari payattu).
A Gi and rhymes with glee.
Dojos. Dojo is Japanese for "place of the way". It can mean any formal training area, but typically it is associated with martial arts.
The name will depend upon the martial art. In karate it is called a kata. Other arts use the word form or poomse for a sequence.