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That is a very insightful way to express this question because contrary to popular opinion, that is exactly the most accurate way to describe the human relationship to the knowledge of the Martial Art (singular term is more accurate) - - it was discovered, not created or invented. For example, Benjamin Franklin did not "create" or "invent" electricity. He "discovered" it's natural abilities and characteristics, and found a way to harness it, and others since have discovered many ways to use it to the advantage of humans (or to the detriment). Likewise, man did not create or invent fire - - humans discovered it, and learned how to utilize it, and re-create it through natural means.

The Martial Art is a concept of understanding natural forces, and learning how to appreciate the value of life, nature, and the universe, and how to apply the various laws of nature in ways to benefit ourselves and others. This discovery has been an ongoing process since the beginning of human existence in the fields of physical combat, social interactions, and spiritual enlightenment. It is a harmonious balance of body, mind and spirit, and can not truthfully be attributed to any one person, race, or exact time period. Conversely, many people have been credited for creating systems for teaching the philosophy and concept of Martial Art under different system names with variations on strategy, tactics, and techniques of each school of thought.

Like fire, we may never know who the first people were to initially discover the nature of the martial art; however, it is possible to trace the origins of some of the more modern systems or schools of Martial Arts.

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13y ago
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15y ago

There really is not a good answer to this question. Regardless of what anyone else says there are many different martial arts and they do not originate from the same art or even place. There is a Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma who is generally credited with the founding of kung fu. He taught a group of monks a group of exercises to help them to get into shape so that they could meditate for longer and defend themselves. It is believed that most Asian martial arts have some connection to kung fu, so much so that it is commonly referred to as "the Grandfather of martial arts". Now the reason I say there is no good answer to this question is that not all martial arts are descendants of kung fu and a few predate it so Bodhidharma is the best answer i can give you on this but there is no absolute answer to your question.

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13y ago

The Martial Art is defined by many interpretations and variations which evolved over a long period that some experts might say began with the earliest human history, but is more commonly associated with refined fighting skills combined with mental discipline, morality, ethics, and spiritual enlightenment. Certain people have been noted for developing specifically named curriculums or systems for teaching the Martial Art with varied philosophies, techniques, and tactics, but there is not one single person responsible for the origin of the Martial Art other than belief in a divine creator or God since all Martial Art combative knowledge is based on natural forces, scientific principles, and universal laws of physics.

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13y ago

It wasn't discovered, it was created by many master's from across the world and in many different styles. Bodhidharma was the Indian prince who become a monk and combined the learnings of the Indian warriors and local skills.

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13y ago

General Hong Hi ChoiWonik YiFounder of World Tukong Moosul Federation General Hong Hi ChoiFounding Father of Taekwon-do and the President and Founder of ITF (International Tae Kwon Do Federation)Yong Sool ChoiFounder of HapkidoAl DacascosFounder of Wun Hop Kuen DoCharles FerraroFounder of Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan AssociationGichin FunakoshiFounder of Shotokan KarateRay GeraneoFounder of Kenka KarateHelio GracieFounder of Gracie Jiu JitsuBong Soo Han Founder of International Hapkido FederationMassaki HatsumiFounder of BunjinkanWally JayFounder of Small Circle JujitsuJigoro KanoFounder of JudoHwang KeeFounder of Tang Soo DoYuriy A. KostrovFounder of Agni KempoTakayuki Kubota Founder of Gosoku Ryu KarateBruce LeeFounder of Jeet Kune DoJoo Bang Lee Founder of World Hwa Rang Do AssociationImi LichtenfeldFounder of Krav MagaSokon MatsumuraFounder of Shorin Ryu KarateChojun MiyagiFounder of Goju Ryu KarateHe Young KimmFounder of Han Mu DoNguyen LocFounder of VovinamChuck NorrisFounder of Chun Kuk DoMas OmayaFounder of Kyokushin KarateHironori OtsukaFounder of Wado Ryu KarateEd Parker, Sr.Founder of American Kenpo KarateJohn PellegriniFounder of International Combat Hapkido FederationDr. Moses PowellFounder of Sanuces Ryu and legendary Jiu Jitsu MasterRemy PresasFounder of Modern ArnisFrank SanchezFounder of San JutsuTatsuo ShimabukuFounder of Isshin Ryu KarateTony SouthardFounder of Southard Combat SystemIn Hyuk SuhGrandmaster of Kuk Sool WonJae Chul ShinFounder of World Tang Soo Do Association.Fred VillariFounder of Shaolin Kempo KarateDougas WongFounder of Combat White Lotus Kung FuMorihei Ueshiba Founder of AikidoWonik YiFounder of World Tukong Moosul Federation

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13y ago

Bruce Lee is the father of Modern Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), but martial arts were invented by whole groups of people, not individuals, throughout the world hundreds of years ago.

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10y ago

Martial arts refers to any skill set used in combat. They evolved over many centuries and the name was a simple descriptor.

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