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Each person is going to have their own opinion, and one art is not inherently better than another. It depends on the quality of instruction, and the skill of the practitioner as to the effectiveness in real life self defense. You need to decide what you want to do. It is best view a class of each, and make your own decision. Some schools of Taekwondo differ greatly from other schools of Taekwondo. Some are sport oriented, and may appear to be just about competition. Other schools are toned down to be family fun oriented training for the kids, and their moms and dads. Authentic Taekwondo is very deadly, and those that train in a "Reality-based" school will have a much more intense program.

Those that train in Krav Maga will often desire the straight forward approach to fighting with a strong focus on just the techniques needed to win in self defense. A typical Taekwondo program is more rounded out with a balance of material that supplements the whole mind, body and spirit aspects that are not directly related to physical combat, but support the training of the student as a whole. Whether either one is "better" is up to the individual to decide, but a skilled practitioner of either art can be just as deadly and effective in self defense.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Every Martial Arts has its limitations and strengths, so do the three here. Kung Fu is the oldest and was part of the roots of Okinawan Karate. The Okinawan Karate was taken to Japan and some parts were modified. Parts of the Japanese version of karate were incorporated into Korean Taekwondo.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

One Martial Art system is never better than the other, because they are both forms of art. It's about self expression and is therefore dependent on the person. That would be the same as asking if paint is better than ink or is guitar better than violin.

It's all a matter of opinion. Try both!

This depends entirely on what you're looking for in each of these arts. It's admirable to learn either. Kung Fu is definitely a beautiful art. Kung Fu has a great deal of flow and circular movement which, when done right, can do you well against an opponent.

With Taekwondo you are using your legs as the primary weapon with hands elbows and knees as supplemental striking tools. Authentic Taekwondo also includes close-range and ground-fighting tactics, and should be balanced in its training and application.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well, this is a new twist on an old question. Usually, people are comparing one Martial Art system to another - - now its Ballet. The standard answer is that which is "better" is a matter of opinion, which is true in this case, but your focus might be on what benefits to each of these activities provide. You should first consider what benefits you are seeking to gain, or what goals you are interested in accomplishing. Then you can find out if those specific areas are covered in each activity.

Compare and Contrast:


Ballet is a form of choreographed dance that is very graceful, and requires a lot of hard work to acquire the skills of balance, flexibility, good posture, a sense of rhythm and timing. It includes the ability to memorize steps, hold specific poses, stand or walk on toes of ballet shoes, twirl, leap into the air, jump and spin, and a variety of other movements, motions, and extensions of the arms and legs in time with music for entertainment and enjoyment. It can be performed solo, with a partner, or in a group, and often coveys a specific mood, or tells a story.


Taekwondo is a Korean Martial Art that is practiced for multiple purposes to include character development, confidence, coordination, improved health, mental focus, self control, removing negative habits and building positive habits, and most notably for the purpose of self defense. Some people participate in Taekwondo for the sport aspect (competing in tournaments using a limited percentage of Taekwondo skills according to contest rules), but the art itself is much more than that. The training in Taekwondo has very similar physical challenges and benefits as Ballet (particularly flexibility, balance, and various jumping and spinning motions). However, although Taekwondo has a smooth and graceful side, it also demonstrates the power with rapid acceleration through both linear and circular movements.

A great portion of what makes each of these activities beneficial to the individual is the quality of instruction, so regardless of whichever you choose (and you could choose to do both), your most important decision is doing what you like, at a school where you enjoy attending, and with an instructor you respect, and trust to know their art, and teach it well.

Both Ballet and Taekwondo are art forms. Ballet is more for artistic expression through dance, whereas Taekwondo is more for practical application in everyday life.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Tae Kwon Do is a martial art. Which is stronger is going to be the case of the individual practitioner more than the specific style.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Stronger? It has less to do with the art then the practitioner.

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Can Jillian Michaels fight?

Yes she can. She is a black belt in everything from Tae Kwon Doe to Martial Arts. She is also a good boxer and kick boxer. I think Tae Kwon Doe is a form of Martial Arts basically she can beat the hell out of you XD

What is the world's most popular martial art?

tae kwon doA+

What martial arts does Scott Adkins do?

He started Tae Kwon Do at the age of 14 then moved on to kickboxing several years late

What martial art is related to tae kwon do?


Where martial arts Ninjutsu Hapkido Judo Tae Kwon Do in Killen TX?

Do you have a phone book or just use a search engine, it should come up.

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Can Jillian Michaels fight?

Yes she can. She is a black belt in everything from Tae Kwon Doe to Martial Arts. She is also a good boxer and kick boxer. I think Tae Kwon Doe is a form of Martial Arts basically she can beat the hell out of you XD

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It's when your sparring and you and your opponent are facing opposite directions. (Tae Kwon Doe)

Did Tae Kwon Do come after martial art was banned in Korea?

Tai Kwon Do was created through a combination of Karate and the traditional arts of Korea. The Japanese banned the practice of these arts during their occupation. Numerous Koreans learned some of the martial arts of their conquerors and leater combined them keeping the best parts.

Will you be shorter if you play Tae Kwon Do from 6 years old?

No, often martial arts, like Tae Kwon Do, often involve copious amounts of stretching, which can aid in growth at a young age and during puberty. So no, taking martial arts would never stunt someone's growth.

What are the meanings behind the logos of martial arts?

The Korean martial art Tae Kwon Do for example has several and not limited to different forms and therefore have different logos To Distinguish between the different forms.Blue Dragon Tae Kwon Do is the best form and logo is a blue dragon,White Tiger Tae Kwon Do I believe is for kids or adults wanting to keep fit rather than be an excellent martial artist and is nowhere as near effective as Blue Dragon Tae Kwon Do.The logos I believe are just made up by the Martial arts teacher who has developed there own form of teaching the martial art and taken bits out and added some.

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There are numerous places where one can purchase martial arts supplies, especially for karate and Tae Kwon Do. Some of these retailers include Amazon, Karate Depot, Century Martial Arts and AWMA.

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