The Korean martial art Tae Kwon Do for example has several and not limited to different forms and therefore have different logos To Distinguish between the different forms.
Blue Dragon Tae Kwon Do is the best form and logo is a blue dragon,
White Tiger Tae Kwon Do I believe is for kids or adults wanting to keep fit rather than be an excellent martial artist and is nowhere as near effective as Blue Dragon Tae Kwon Do.
The logos I believe are just made up by the Martial Arts teacher who has developed there own form of teaching the martial art and taken bits out and added some.
St. Sebastian is the Patron Saint of Athletes and Soldiers which works well for Martial Arts. Medals are available with martial arts logos. St. Christopher medals can also be found with martial arts logos. There is no specific patron saint of karate, however the patron saint of combat is Saint Michael the Archangel.
the Arni's Martial Arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon
You can't copyright a martial arts system any more than you could copyright any other action. You can copyright or trademark the name of a system, and any media created about a system (books, video, logos, etc.).
Martial Arts refers to the skills used in combat. Every country has martial arts and some originated in Japan, but not all of them.
All styles of martial arts do.
Korean art with a Catholic Patron Saint? Doesn't make much sense at all, but: St. Sebastian is the Patron Saint of Athletes and Soldiers which works well for Martial Arts. Medals are available with martial arts logos. St. Christopher medals can also be found with martial arts logos. There is no specific patron saint of karate, however the patron saint of combat is Saint Michael the Archangel.
the Arni's martial arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon
What does Martial Arts starts with? It starts by greeting your opponent.
Martial Arts Weekend was created in 2002.
You become a martial arts master by studying a single martial art for many years. It is not something that is easy.
Many cultures have occupied Florida. The martial arts of Florida are the martial arts of these cultures. The martial arts of native American cultures included the arts of working with knives, spears and bows. The martial arts of European cultures included the arts of working with swords, rifles and cannon. Unarmed fighting and wrestling were also practiced by both cultures.
Martial Artists