Best way to look for a pattern is to search for a full superhero mask (e.g. Flash or Batman) then modify it and use the pattern of it.
Yes.use TWF mask maker to print out a mask and have 4 thumb-sized masks to cut!
dragith nurn mask parts that's what they are
A person wearing a gas mask.
the tiki mask comes from Congo Republics
who payed the boy in the MASK movie with Cher and Sam Elliot
You can find it at MJ Factory, or just look for MJ mask, They have a lot of choices of mask. Wrestler mask can also be found at this website and a lot more.
you do need a mask on and you an use any of the following... King tuts mask, ninja mask or the wrestling mask!
the traffic signal, the gas mask, and the sewing machine
well, sometime Matt or more techniqual wrestlers, (not pro wrestlers) wear headgear is to prevent themselves from getting cauliflower ears from the Matt. (which basicly makes your ears big and puffy).
Its a Mexican wrestling religion any Mexican wrestler has to wear a mask if they follow a certain religion.
Here's instructions and a patern for making Luche Libre masks from t-shirts:
at ast and eliott
Mask? What mask? There is no mask that you have to find in Shark Tooth Island, Poptropica.
yes king does have a mask on if you watch the tekken 2 intro it shows armor king throwing a mask to king because king quit wrestling and armor king was rival/mentor.
A raccoon has a mask-like pattern around his eyes.
garret Morgan created the traffic signal and the gas mask even the sewing machine