well, sometime Matt or more techniqual wrestlers, (not pro wrestlers) wear headgear is to prevent themselves from getting cauliflower ears from the Matt. (which basicly makes your ears big and puffy).
Its a Mexican wrestling religion any Mexican wrestler has to wear a mask if they follow a certain religion.
The purpose of a samurai wearing a mask is to make them more fearsome so people would be afraid of them when they are in a battlefield.
the boy is wearing a mask to cover his face
There are many masked men in Majora's Mask: - The one wearing the Keaton's Mask is Kafei. - The one wearing the Postman's Hat is Postman. - The one wearing Majora's Mask (the main antagonist in the game) is Skull Kid. - The one wearing Don Gero's Mask is a Goron, and is unnamed. - The one wearing the Stone Mask (the invisible soldier) is called Shiro.
A person wearing a gas mask.
it is used in initiations,funerals of important individuals in social control or diviners and healers. It is a good luck charm or fetish.
you do need a mask on and you an use any of the following... King tuts mask, ninja mask or the wrestling mask!
Sure. A mask isn't important.
Hannibal lector mask
It depends on the type of mask you're wearing, but a mask should be worn covering both your nose and mouth.