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Q: What is the value of a 1996 babe Ruth 1914-1935 gold cmg worldwide entertainment card number 30?
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what is the entertainment value of the mayon legend?

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strictly entertainment

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Boredom/entertainment value.

Whats is the value of the world wrestlng entertainment title?

It has no value. It is as meaningless as the "championship" that Rocky receives in the Sylvester Stallone movies. Professional wrestling is entertainment. It is not a competative sport.

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Use its capital divided by outstanding stock, we can get value of the stock.

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They did that for entertainment, as it is an aesthetic value

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Yes but some of it is staged for entertainment value

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What value does entertainment have?

Entertainment is not an object, it's an act. You can't sell it for any value. If you mean benefits, then those are 1. You're not as bored 2. It's fun 3. I gives you something to do etc, etc.. you get it right?

Which video game console will have the best entertainment value?

The 360 has the best entertainment value because they are so many things you can do with it. You can stream music through it and watch videos via Netflix along with playing video games.