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Q: Why does the sport boxing has declined in popularity and entertainment value?
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Related questions

Where in the Bible does it say it is okay to be a boxer?

Boxing was not a sport held in the Olympics in Greece or was it a Roman entertainment.

What are some of the most famous foxy boxing performers?

Foxy boxing is a sport entertainment which involves two or more women boxing (or pretending to do so) in a sexualized content as a form of erotic entertainment. The most successful female boxer is Mia St. John.

Is boxing an individual or a team sport?

Boxing is an individual sport.

How did joe Louis changed boxing?

Louis helped elevate boxing from a nadir in popularity in the post-Jack Dempsey era by establishing a reputation as an honest, hardworking fighter at a time when the sport was dominated by gambling interests.

Which sport is better boxing or rugby?


Why is chess boxing a unusual sport?

Chess boxing is an unusual sport because chess & boxing are totally different 'sports'. Chess is a 'sport' of the mind, and is very calm (except when you or your opponent, whichever loses, is a bad loser!). Boxing is a 'sport' of strength, and is deffinately NOT a calm 'sport'.

What is thialand national sport?

Thai boxing

What sport is called gentleman's sport?


What was John Steinbeck's favorite sport?

John Steinbeck's favorite sport was boxing. He was a fan of the sport and even trained in boxing himself.

What is the reasons for supporting blood sport?

Tradition for Europe and other places and plus for the economy for sports like boxing and mma

What is a famous sport involving huge men?

A famous sport involving huge men can be anything from football to mixed martial arts, boxing to collegiate wrestling.. or if sports entertainment counts professional wrestlers are huge.

In what sport is the term upper cut?

boxing and sometimes wrestling but mostly boxing