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America's Cup

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Q: What is the oldest sports trophy in the US?
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What is the most popular trophy in sports?

The Vince Lombardi trophy is America's most popular sports trophy.

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What was the first hockey trophy made?

the first wooden hockey stick was made of wood. The wood was elm,Hickory,and smoked wood for the hockey stick............

What is a fact about sport trophy?

The Stanley Cup is the championship trophy of the National Hockey League and is said to be the oldest trophy in North America.

What is the oldest rivial in sports?

The oldest rivalry in sports is between Liverpool and everton.

Is sailing the oldest American competitive sport?

This is a great question. Sailing is not the oldest American Sport. In fact, there are several "sports" or "competitive games" that Native Americans still regularly participate in today (e.g. Lacrosse) that are far older than competitive sailing. Early European sports imported by the first settlers would include fencing and target shooting as well as wrestling and boxing. However, the Americas Cup Trophy is the oldest Trophy in sailing (1851), and many resources claim that it could quite possibly be the oldest perpetual trophy in any sport to date. Competitive sailing is a sport with a long history in the Americas. With any luck, it will last for hundreds perhaps thousands of years to come.

What is the oldest rivalry in sports in the US?

Wisconsin vs Minnesota football. It dates back to 1890.

What is the oldest trophy in pro football?

In 1852 Yale and Harvard competed in the first ever intercollegiate sporting event in all of North America. The sport was a rowing race in New Hampshire, on Lake Winnipesaukee. Harvard beat Yale by two lengths. General Franklin Pierce "New Hampshire's favorite son" awarded Harvard the first place prize, a pair of black walnut, silver inscribed trophy oars. To date the trophy oars are the oldest intercollegiate athletic trophy prize in all of North America. The above was only a one time, singular event and if one considers those oars as really a "trophy". The oldest college/university trophy continually/annnually contested for in North American sports is the Yates Cup. The Yates Cup is emblematic of the Ontario University Football Championship and was first contested for in 1898. One of four regional/divisional conference football trophies (Ontario (Yates Cup), Quebec (Dunsmore Cup), Canada West (Hardy Cup) and Atlantic (Jewett Trophy/Loney Bowl)) and as a lead up to the two national semi-final bowl games (Uteck and Mitchell Bowls) and then finally to the Vanier Cup, the Canadian Interuniversity Sports (CIS) football championship. The Yates Cup trophy is second only to the Stanley Cup in age for an annually contested for sports championship. The question was answered correctly in the beginning top paragraph. It was not a one time event. The 1852 Yale Harvard race being the first college sports competition in all of North America (also continually to date and annually contested) resulted in a first place prize. Therefore resulted in (to date) the oldest intercollegiate sports trophy in America. The oars were the first place trophy awarded to Harvard. And the event was the first college sports competition ever in America!

What is the oldest trophy game?

Most probably Uncharted: Among Theives

How do you vote for the Heisman Trophy?

Only sports analysts can.

What are the two most oldest competitive sports in the world?

Cricket and Football are the oldest and competitive sports of the world.