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either punch them back and give them a taste of their own medicine

or just walk away and snitch

I don't know, its really you're preference but don't punch them back because then you're no better than they are... plus 2 wrongs don't make a right. nooo... if they do it for a good reason just push them hard, if they do it for fun punch them harder, if you cant or your scared ask them to come closer and whack their head with a mop stick i did this, but with an umbrella because the person was bigger than me

When a kid a school threatened to either give him 30 dollars of get punched in the face 10 times, I told my sister. Then the next day he punched me in the stomach so I flipped him on his back and beat the crap out of him. Lesson is, don't punch someone back unless its self defense or you've told them to lay of (which is a warning) or get their butt kicked.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Use a chamber attack rechamber method: Hand upside down next to your kidney, (chamber) rotate the hand and punch all at once, (attack) rotate again while bringing your hand back to your kidney. (rechamber)

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16y ago

firstly i would like to know the reason of punches with that person.

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14y ago

you say, lets dance! and since this is totally random the person will be totally shocked and will start dancing with you! its hilarious!!!! totally try it out!!!!

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4y ago

violence more like violins and we know violins isn't the answer you want

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What is the best way to punch someone's stomach?

The very best way to punch someone in the stomach is to form a fist and thrust at the person's solar plex. This area is located near to top of the abs and is a bit tender.

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You knock someone out in one punch if you punch them with your knuckles in the side of the chin hard.

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Most likely in a diagonal direction starting at the bottom going up to the nose. Punch the 'Exit' sign and leave.

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A sucker punch is when you punch someone who is unprepared and unaware that it's coming.

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Square in the face :[

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A FALCON PUNCH! Cranberry and Ginger Ale punch!

Is it illegal to punch someone?

Yes, it is illegal to punch someone as it can be considered assault and battery, which are criminal offenses.

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You cant punch but you can stab with the knife.

Is it illegal to punch someone in the face?

Yes, it is illegal to punch someone in the face as it constitutes assault and can result in criminal charges.

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One can find the best fruit punch recipes by buying a fruit punch recipe from a local bookstore. It will have all the best fruit punch recipes for you to chose from.

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Punch them hard enough or run away after the first hit.