girls do balance beam, uneven bars, vault, floor exercise. boys do pummel horse, parallel bars, rings, high bar, vault and floor exercise
An arch in gymnastics is where you bend your back slightly so that you are shaped like "(" that.
spartan boys leaned how to read and write but a majority of what they learned was training to be a solider.
in gymnastics the term tripod means a certain move that gymnastics do. When doing a tripod one stands on their head with their head framing one leg of the tripod, and their two hands making the other two legs of the tripod.
· uneven bars gymnastics
Men's Artistic Gymnastics
gymnastics is for girls and boys. you do difffernt events depending on if your a boy or a girl.
Some of the events include:Vault, in which you would naturally use the vault and you might use mats or springboards for practicing. (Used in Girls and Boys gymnastics.)Floor, in which you might use mats or springboards for practice. (Used in Girls and Boys gymnastics.)Bars, in which you use the bars. You also might use grips for your hands, tape, or chalk. (Used in Girls and Boys gymnastics. Girls use uneven bars and boys use parallel bars as well as the high bar.)Beam, in which you use the beam, and a mat for practice. (Used in Girls gymnastics.)Rings, in which you used the rings and you might use mats, a foam pit, or chalk. (Used in Boys gymnastics.)Pommel Horse, in which you use a pommel horse and maybe some chalk. (Used in Boys gymnastics.)
Well the girls have events called the UN - even bars , balance beam , floor and vault. The boys have events called the pamel hourse , parrel bars , rings , floor and high bar.
If you mean periods as in events, there are 4 events in gymnastics (Bars, Beam, Floor, and Vault.) If not I have no idea what you are talking about.
Women's gymnastics has four events which is Vault, Floor Exercise, Balance Beam, and Uneven Bars. Men's gymnastics has six events: Vault, Floor, Rings, Pommel Horse, Parallel Bars, and High Bar.
For the same reason that boys do gymnastics - because they enjoy it and to keep fit.
The creators of gymnastics were the greeks. They trained in gymnastics like events to become stronger more dexterous soldiers.
The women only events in artistic gymnastics are balance beam and uneven bars. Women only perform rhythmic gymnastics.