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It depends upon the martial art. It can also differ based on the rank of the instructor.

Japanese Martial Arts refer to the instructor as sensei. Sensei is Japanese for teacher, literally translating before born or one who is born before. Chinese arts use the term 'sifu.' Korean arts use the term 'saboom.'

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16y ago
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13y ago

A martial art school can be called many things, including an academy, gym, or studio. Often times, if the Martial Art is specifically of Asian Martial Art lineage, the term of the native language is used. In Japanese, the term is Dojo, used frequently in many countries around the world for the teaching of Judo, Aikido, Jujutsu, and Japanese Karate-do. In Korea, the term is Dojang, which is the proper term commonly used world wide in Taekwondo, Hapkido, and other Korean Martial Art systems.

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14y ago

well it can depend on the martial art they are doing some have a traditional name

martial artist for most but things like bujinken ninjutsu have the name shinobi

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15y ago

It is called a DOJO for many martial arts. The Korean arts refer to it as a dojang.

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15y ago

In the Japanese martial arts someone of a lesser rank is referred to as kohai.

An equal is referred to as dohai.

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14y ago

A school owner. However the instructors are called different things.

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11y ago

That will depend on the type of martial art. In most it is based on the country of origins. In Karate it is called a dojo.

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9y ago

It will depend on the style of martial art. In Japan they would be called Sensei or Hanshi.

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You can choose a Martial Arts school by researching schools online in your area. Read reviews for the schools and sit down with the instructor to talk about your goals.

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