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  • Front Kick (Ap Chagi) also known as the snap kick. The front kick is one of the first kicks learned in Taekwondo. Used mainly in poomse and for breaking. Variations include the push kick (used in sparring)
  • Side Kick (Yop Chagi) A difficult kick to master but really impressive when it's done well. Used for breaking and in poomse.
  • Turning Kick (Dollyo Chagi), Roundhouse Kick, Round Kick. A very versatile taekwondo kick. Angle kick is a variation used in sparring.
  • Back Kick (Dwi Chagi) a powerful kick used for breaking and sparring.
  • Reverse Turning Kick
  • Reverse Side Kick

  • Hook Kick (often done as a spinning technique)

  • Axe Kick (Chiko Chagi) Chop Kick. A high kick where the impact is downwards.

  • Crescent Kick: There are two variations of this kick: the outer crescent and the inner crescent. These kicks are also called "Inside Kick" and "Outside Kick" at some taekwondo schools, and "Inside-Outside" and "Outside-Inside" at others.
  • Spin Kicks: There are several spinning kicks that involve the rotation of the entire body and head before the kick is released. Spinning kicks include the back pivot kick, spinning hook kick, spinning axe kick, butterfly kick, returning kick, 360 turning kick or tornado kick, and a number of other kicks of varying popularity.
  • Jump Kicks: there are also many kicks that involve jumping before their execution. These include jumping front kick, jumping side kick, flying side kick, jumping axe kick, jumping roundhouse, jumping spinning hook kick, jumping spinning roundhouse kick, butterfly kick or "shuffle jump kick," jumping (or counter) back kick, and jump spinning side kick.
  • Advanced Kicks : There are a variety of kicks that can be used in combination or stem out from a simple kick to create more difficult ones. Some of these include 540 Kick (One spins 1 1/2 times in mid-air and does a kick, usually a back spinning hook kick) and Triple Aero Kicks (One does round house kick, back spinning hook kick, and another round house kick in mid-air).
  • Fast Kicks: Also, many kicks can be employed using a fast kick style. The practitioner shuffles the back leg forward to the front leg, and the front leg comes up and kicks closer to the enemy than the practitioner had been before execution. This can be used with side kick, roundhouse kick, front kick, hook kick, and axe kick. They are called Fast "insert kick name".
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Q: What are all the names of the kicks in Tae Kwon Do?
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Stages of tae bo?

There aren't stages to Tae Bo. The videos are for people of all levels and goals. Information on the different videos can be found at The Capture the Power series is particularly useful for beginners.

Is Tae Kwon Do usefull in MMA?

Taekwondo is primarily a kicking art, but traditionally includes close quarter fighting, hand strikes, and grappling skills. The problem is that many modern students are not getting a proper and complete Taekwondo education, so when they step in the ring and loose a fight, people conclude that it was something lacking in Taekwondo when it was really the fighter who lacked the full knowledge. Many Taekwondo athletes don't learn the full curriculum in order to compete in the Olympics. They get good at winning matches under a sport of rules that favors kicks and no grabs or ground-fighting, then they move into the Mixed Martial Art arena thinking they can fight with just the kicks. That is not true Taekwondo, and when they fail, they misrepresent what Taekwondo is capable of doing. MMA started with the rules favoring grappling sports. As the sport evolves you see more and more knockouts with kicks to the head. However, any Taekwondo fighter is going to have to maintain a balance of training for strikes, throws, and ground-fighting, and that is all available in traditional Taekwondo.

How are Kung Fu and karate different?

All of the styles listed are types of martial arts. Kung Fu originated in China. Legend says it was based on the martial arts of India. Karate was created by merging Kung Fu and Okinawan Wrestling. It is predominantly a striking art. Tae Kwon Do was created by merging Karate and Korean martial arts. It is predominantly a striking art. Judo is a Japanese grappling art that was created as a sport from the martial art of JuJitsu.

What language is martial arts?

Depends on the martial art. Most techniques are named in the language of the country that the martial art originated from. * Tai Chi and Kung Fu are Chinese. * Karate is in Japanese/Okinawan. * Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido are in Korean.

What is something to give to your retiring Tae Kwon Do instructor besides a card?

It might depend on how well you know your instructor, and what nationality he/she is (different cultures have different customs). Is this a gift from just one person, or from a group? Some options could include a large plaque expressing thanks with all the student's names, or a nice quality katana on a stand with an inscription on a small plaque attached to its base, or a photo album with a collection of student pictures and hand written messages saying something about each person's experiences with that instructor over the years (even contacting as many former students as possible). A video message is another idea, with any short clips of events that the students or parents might have. If the instructor has other interests or hobbies, something to go along with that activity might be nice.

Related questions

Can anyone take a tae kwon do class?

Tae kwon do is a fun activity for people of all ages. The only stipulation would be that you would have to be in good physical health with the ability to be mobile.

Is Tae Kwon Do an art?

Yes, Tae Kwon Do is a very good martial; however, if you are trying to choosing a marital art to study yourself, the more important consideration is the quality of the instructors. There are good taekwondo instructors and bad taekwondo instructors. Shop around and find a great instructor. Another factor is whether you want to learn a more offensive martial art or not. Tae Kwon Do was made for defence. It can be using in offence, but there are many close contact techniques that will help you defend yourself. Karate is a more offensive form. Tae Kwon Do also uses more of the feet than other martial arts. There are many forms of kicks. There are less hand movements. The hand usually only do punches and blocks. They have a few other movements that are not used often. Doing Tae Kwon Do also helps you think. Your mind seems to work better after starting Tae Kwon Do. This may only be the case for some people. It may improve concentration and memory. But this may not happen in all cases. All in all, Tae Kwon Do is a good martial art.

Is tae kwon do a hobby?

Tae kwon do can be considered both a hobby and a martial art. Many people practice tae kwon do for enjoyment, fitness, and self-defense, making it a popular hobby for individuals of all ages. However, it also involves disciplined training and a structured curriculum, distinguishing it as a martial art as well.

What is the difference between a black or white collar in Tae Kwon Do uniform?

It may depend on the school, but at my school a Black color is reserved for black belts. This may not be true for all Tae kwon do schools.

Is it too late for a 15 year old to learn Tae Kwon Do?

Not at all. Many wonderful blackbelts started at that age.

What is the philosophy behind tae kwon do?

Tae Kwon Do's main philosiphy is to become one with the universe. To be in control and in harmony with evrything in and around you. Some rules of the principles are to be gentle to the weak and tough to the strong. To always assist someone reguadless of rank, race, age, or anthing. This is what Taekwondo is all about.

Is there any training totally specific to Tae Kwon Do?

Not really. The exercises and movements of Tae Kwon Do can be found in many other martial arts and many other sports as well. The reality is that the body's muscles and joints only move in certain ways. All sports and activities follow the same movements and the training of them cross the boundaries of all sports and physical activities.

How can you improve your speed for Tae Kwon Do sparring?

While you may think that the way to get fast is to practice fast, that's not true. In order to get faster you need to get stronger. Some lunges, squats, and some hard kicks to bags should do the trick. I suggest a Google search for leg workouts, as I don't know them all.

How many matial art styles are there?

There are many I only know a few. Jujistui or however you spell it, karate, Tae Kwon DO, Akido, and that's all.

How many gb medals have Tae Kwon Do won at all olympics?

1 ... a bronze in women's heavyweight class by Sarah Stevenson at the 2008 Games in Beijing.

Are all Tae Kwon Do players weight obsessed?

In general, no. However if you are competing in a certain weight class then you must make sure you stay within the weight guidelines.

How can you beat an opponent in Tae Kwon Do by using a deathblow?

You would kill him. All dead opponents are considered defeated. However, taekwondo is a martial art and a sport. It has no "deathblows."