yes, it was on mythbusters. They also did it with animal feces. yes, it was on mythbusters. They also did it with animal feces. Ya i watched it addam poleshed it and left it in a freazzer i belive but try
dude that's wrong you need it to love you very much! putting it in the party first place holding a shellbell helps too.he has to reach to a certain levelyou give it the shiny stone!no you dont! you make a togepi love you very much and then it will evolve into togetic and eventually a shiny stone will evolve your togetic into togekiss!
they painted by using a egg and rocks and dirt to make paint
I think this is a type of printer that puts the UV coating on the media to make a real shiny, smooth finish.
So that you can fit the entire picture onto it and glass is easier to make into squares than it is to be made into round objects.
You can make it a cube, but what's the point of that ? It's easier to make it round than other shapes. Many Compact Fluorescent Lamps are long and thin - once again, manufacturing ease holds sway.
Polishing makes things shiny because it rubs off the dirt.
Absolutely not. A ball that gets dirt on it is unusable because the dirt affects the shape of the ball, which can make it fly differently when pitched. This is also why pitchers aren't allowed to put any foreign substance, such as Vaseline, on the ball before pitching.
you scrape any bits of dead skin or dirt out and paint over clear nail varnish
Boil it
It is hard to make the squeezed ping pong ball round and full because the way it is round is because of the air inside of the ball so once you have squeezed it the air has been lost so you need to add more air some how.
yes it does but it does not make penny shiny i have tried it but it just get the dirt of so really does not work
To make a penny shiny, you can soak it in a mixture of vinegar and salt, or you can use a commercial metal polish. Rub the penny gently with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or grime and reveal its shiny surface.
You can't make it shiny, you have to catch it as a shiny.
No, a Shiny Stone will not make a Pokémon a Shiny. The Shiny Stone just enables Togetic to evolve into Togekiss, Roselia to evolve into Roserade and Minccino to evolve into Cinccino.
You don't. If a Pokemon is shiny, it remains shiny forever. If it isn't shiny, it will never be.
When comparing grass and dirt, a ball will typically roll faster on dirt than on grass. This is because dirt surfaces usually have less friction compared to grass, allowing the ball to move more quickly. Additionally, dirt surfaces are generally smoother than grass, resulting in less resistance as the ball rolls.