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Yes the wec is the ufc's sister company. Both are run by a promotion called zuffa. The wec started like every other promotion with all the weight classes but now has turned into the place the lighter weights go for the top competition.

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Q: Does UFC own WEC cage fighting?
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How much does a average UFC fighter make from 1 fight?

it all depends on their bio. Some are better than others and they will get a raise like that, but there is a really big raise if you actually win the fight! pro UFC fighters could make $500,000-$900,000 some people even get more!

In fighting is it good to have big bony knuckles or just regular?

well when your fighting its best to have big knuckles, i don't know about having a bony hand, but your knuckles, the bigger the better when your fighting because it feels like a bigger rock hitting a person, but mostly what your born with is what you have, unless your a professional fighter, then you can condition your knuckles and make them a bit bigger by punching a wooden board rapping in rope. Disclaimer: i do not suggest any of these, but they are just pieces of information i have picked up from different Internet sites and my own knowledge. i take no responsibility if someone hurts themselves from my advice.

What is the best MMA gym in Chicago?

Roufusport Mixed Martial Arts Academy is considered the "Best MMA gym in Milwaukee" and in April of 2011 was voted's "Top MMA Gym in America." Head Coach is legendary 4-time World Kickboxing Champion, and one of the top MMA trainers in the world, Duke Roufus. Easy to get to from anywhere, and with plenty of free parking, Roufusport is located in a new, state-of-the-art 15,000+ sq ft training facility at 321 N 76th St in Milwaukee (76th & Blue Mound Rd), WI 53213, 414-453-5425. Current UFC stars Alan "The Talent" Belcher, Anthony "Showtime" Pettis, Erik "New Breed" Koch, Chico "The King" Camus and Pascal "Panzer" Krauss, plus U.S. Olympic Wrestler and Bellator Welterweight World Champion Ben "Funky" Askren anchor the Roufusport Competition Team. Duke Roufus has also trained UFC vets Stephan Bonnar, Jens Pulver, Matt Mitrione, Jesse Lennox, Joe Doerksen, Pat Barry and Red Schafer. *7-time UFC vet and BJJ Black belt Red Schafer now has his own gym "Red Schafer MMA" in Milwaukee located at 811 E Vienna Ave in Milwaukee WI, 53213. *Lifelong Milwaukeean and UFC vet Adrain Serrano operates a gym in Milwaukee located at 8512 W Lisbon Ave.

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Does the UFC own wec?

Nope they are both owned by a parent company called Zuffa

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Yes until the girl gets pregnant then she will start fighting the boy so you will have to get him his own cage.

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Every rabbit should have it's own cage after it reaches the age of 4 months. They will start fighting at this age and also are old enough to start breeding and have babies.

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You don't introduce a Parakeet to another Parakeet. They get to know each other on their own, They might make a flock and start grooming if they start fighting and draw blood have a extra cage to separate them.

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You shouldn't put older mice with younger mice. It usually causes fighting. If you must put them together, give them their own little housing area, take them out of the cage to get used to one another, the older one may get territorial if you put the other one straight into the cage with it.

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Why won't a ferret climb into his wire cage on his own?

Maybe your ferrets really like being out of their cage. You could try to train them by putting treats in their cage at the end of playtime.

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It is recommended to have only one hamster per cage to prevent territorial disputes and fighting. Hamsters are solitary animals that prefer to live alone, so it is best to provide each hamster with their own space and resources in their cage.

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dont really know