If you put a Navy Seal in the ring the UFC fighter is better. If you put the UFC fighter on the battlefield the Navy Seal is better... WAY better.
This is not an MMA vs Boxing post, its simply my honest opinion. Elite MMA fighters do compile the tremendous records that elite boxers do for several reasons. 1.The versatility of the sport is much greater. In boxing the winner is usually (duh) the better boxer. In MMA the winner could be the better boxer, wrestler, kickboxer, bjj player, etc depending on where the fight winds up. More overall surprises. 2.Its a newer sport and a smaller community. MMA fighters encounter each other and fighters they have each fought more often than boxers. 3. Less record protecting. You don't see top guys in mma getting as many fights with nobodies as boxers (not saying that it doesn't ever happen).
It depends on which wrestler and UFC fighter you are comparing. Actually speaking the top wrestlers like "John Cena" or "CM Punk" or even part time wrestlers like "Rock", "Brock Lesnar" or "Undertaker" make far more money than almost all the UFC fighters. Similarly, the top UFC fighters like Anderson Silva, Jon Jones etc make more money than most of the wrestlers. In fact, the amount of money these guys make is a direct reflection of their popularity and the guys who are champions usually make more money than the rest of their peers.
no martial art is better than another because they are both forms of art they are about self expresion so it is more about the person. this is like asking if ink is better than paint or is guitar better than violin.
well im better than all of u
It is a matter of opinion but I think KH2 is way better
SOMETHINGS ARE BETTER NOT SPOKEN:- Code of Silence. Its better to die than live to be a coward.
Which part of the army? The SEALS are better than regular soldiers, they are a Special Operations force. The army also has its own Special Operations forces, so if it was SEALS vs INFANTRY the seals would take it, but in SEALS vs SF it could go either way.
More than 3,000 but less than 7,000 the exact number is classified.
I assume you're referring to the Indian Navy MARCOS group (previously MCF). MARCOS are certainly well trained and dedicated, but they were founded in 1984, whereas SEALs were derrived from Navy UDT (Underwater Demolition Teams) dating back to WW-II. Also, SEALS trained under a huge budget from the mid-1980's on, and it's hard to imagine MARCOS had a training budget or operational budget anywhere near that size. With no disrespect intended to MARCOS, I'd have to say no -- SEALs are better trained.
Foo fighters are WAY BETTER. trust me. rock and roll is better than ome stupid romeo and Juliet song!!
The NAVY Seals definitely get paid more than the Delta Force. As the top black and special ops outfit in the Armed Forces, the Seals are simply considered the best of the best.
Delta is a harder selection process but that's because it is a Tier 1 unit. The Navy seals have their own Tier 1 unit 'DEV GRU' who are as good as Delta. 'DevGru'` is the elite counter terrorism cadre of the NAVY and was responsible for the mission to kill osama bin laden.
Less than 20 out of about 2400 active operators.
it depends most of the time just four A team has MANY more than that. A platoon is typically 16 operators and can be subdivided further into elements with as few as four. Typically you are looking at 8 operators.
You can view Navy Seals pay charts on navyseals.com/nsw/pay-charts/
The SEALs are a part of the US Navy. They use the same ranks as the Navy, enlisted personnel would be petty officers and chief petty officers. The Officer ranks would go from Ensign to Captain.
Navy seals agents are experts in more than one form of martial arts. And are incredibly smart as well as accurate. Kimbo Slice is a backyard fighter.