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Q: What equiment do they use during curling in the Olympics?
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Related questions

What happens to the curling stones after the Olympics are done?

My guess is that they will get sold or donated to some curling club after the Olympics (though the special light-up touch-sensitive handles will be given to the World Curling Federation for use in other international competitions, I would guess).

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There aren't any NHL rules during the Olympics. The refs use International Hockey rules

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What is the equipment called for curling?

"Curling shoes," one with a slippery Teflon slider built into the sole and the other with just grippy rubber on the bottom, are used to allow players to slide smoothly down the ice during their delivery (sliding) of the curling rock. "Curling brooms" or "curling brushes" are used to "sweep" the ice in front of the rock, decreasing the friction between the rock and the ice and making the rock go both farther, and curl (curve) less if so desired. Brooms are also used by most players during their delivery for balance. Many teams will use stop watches to time a rock between certain points on the ice, to get an idea of how fast the rock is moving.

What kind of rock do they use in curling?


How to get hair like this?

use a curling iron!!

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Bass, two guitars, drums, dj equiment and somtimes keybored and another guitar.

In what sport do they use brooms rocks and sliders?

Curling is a Winter sport played on ice. The rock or Stone is hurled or bowled as players use a broom to sweep the ice in front of the stone as it slide across the ice.

Why did the Olympics have an olympic crown or wreath?

The Olive wreath was used during the first Olympics, the same way as we use gold, silver and bronze medals today!

Do you have to use hair protector before curling your hair with a curling iron?

you dont have to but it is best to as it protects you hair from getting damaged :)

Why was the curling iron invented?

what do you mean why was a curling iron invented? it was invented cuz we ned it in our lives and most people use it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!