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Q: Who first used the javelin?
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How did the javelin start?

Javelin, before it was a recognized sport, was originally a hunting method used by humankind the world over. Javelin first emerged in the Greek Olympics as part of the first pentathlon. Though the construction of the javelin and the methods of delivery have evolved over time, the nature of the event has been preserved.

Who was the first person to throw a javelin?

Javelins are thought to be 400,00 years old having been found in some underground caves in Germany. The ancient Greeks used spear like weapons as a hunting device. The Romans used the Javelin and a weapon of war in the 3rd. Century BC

How do they measure the distance a javelin is thrown?

The distance a javelin is thrown is measured from the point where the javelin first strikes the ground to the nearest mark made by the point of the javelin that remains in the ground. The measurement is then taken in a straight line from the first mark to the throwing line.

Who used javelin?

The javelin was a weapon favored by the early Greeks, such as Alexander the great.

How they win when playing Javelin?

the person that throws the javelin the bigger distance from the start win first-sixth.

When did javelin become a olympic sport?

The first modern Olympics was in 1896 at Athens and the javelin competition's first year was 1908 in London.

What is a javelin like weapon?

A Javelin is a spearlike shaft about 8 1 / 2 feet (2.7 meters) long and usually made of wood, used in throwing for distance. Commonly, the Javelin is used in the outdoor activity, Track. REFERENCES > <

What instrument is most probably used to measure the distance a javelin travels?

A measuring tape is commonly used to measure the distance a javelin travels. The tape is extended from the starting point to where the javelin landed to determine the distance thrown.

What equipment is used in javelin?

metal and wood

Who would use a javelin?

In history, seeing as a javelin was originally used as a weapon, hunters and warriors would potentially use some type of spear or javelin to fight or hunt. In a modern, sporting context, javelin athletes would use a javelin for both practice and competition.

How heavy was the first javelin?

women's javelins weigh 600 grams. mens weigh 800 grams.

What year did Fatima first throw the javelin?

Probably at age 14 when she was adopted by Margaret Whitbread. Margaret was a javelin coach.