Athletes from the various Greek city states. Only the men could compete because they were considered strong and powerful and the women were considered an offense to Zues.
It is unsure of exactly all the city states who participated, but here are a few:Rhodes, Croton, Sparta, Elis, Krannon (also known as Thessaly), Smyrna, Sybaris,Syrecuse, Heraia (also known as Arkadia), and Thebes.
You had to be 7 years of age or older to compete in the Ancient Greek Olympics.
Ancient Greeks were very serious about the Olympics that even when they are in the middle of a war,they will actually stop what there doing and go and play in the Olympics!
Nothing. They competed nude.
they competed other greeks
What WERE the ancient Olympics...ancient people competed in Physical activities
Ancient Olympics were only open to different greek regions.
To prove they weren't hiding anything with which to cheat.
45 people:)
I do not know about it... maybe you should google or try Wikipedia.
cause boys competed naked galfriends!
Only men were allowed to compete in the Ancient Olympics and they didn't wear anything while competing, they went naked.
They competed naked. Winners got to wear an olive leaf headdress.