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Ancient Olympic games

The Greeks did Javelin throwing, Weightlifting, swimming, fencing, gymnastics. Stadion,

Diaulos, Dolichos, Hoplitodromos, Pygme / Pygmachia, Pale, Pankration, Chariot Racing, long jump, discus throw.

The Pentathlon were the five major games of the Olympics. They were: Pale, Stadion, Long Jump, Javelin and Discus Throw.

Stadion was a type of foot race.

Diaulos was a race around a peristyle (a court enclosed by columns), the great court of the Palaestra, which measured two stadia (1,200 ft., 360 m) in length.

Hoplitodromos was another kind of Ancient foot race. It was the last of all foot races to be added to the Olympics. It made its first appearance at the 65th Olympics in 520 BC.

Pygme, or Pygmachia, was an Ancient type of Boxing.

Pale was kind of like boxing, but not so protected.

Pankration was like a fight to the death with two rules: no biting, and no poking the other guy in the eye. It was a little like modern day Martial Arts.

Chariot Racing is pretty self-explanatory. You got in a Chariot that was attached to two horses, and raced around the stadium.

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They played the high jump and other sports

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Q: What sports did the Ancient Greeks play in the Olympics?
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