The correct terminology for this would be a "quadrathlon"(quadrathon).
when they have the first son was call gren four in 14257
There were 2 major athletic events in ancient greece, (all athletic events were part of a larger celebrations about a deity) Olympia (olympic games) and Panathinaia. After that there were several festivities that had athletic games as a part of them. Isthmian,Actian,Nemean etc. Also there was the ''Heraea Games'' dedicated to the goddess Hera wife of Zeus.
The helots were a serf class in Sparta. According to Thucydides they revolted four different times during the 5th century.
The four different cultures of the ancient city of Sardis were Lydia, Persian, Greek and Roman. Saris was the ancient capital of the kingdom of Lydia, under both the Roman and Persian Empire.
In his early years, Patroclus spent his time with both his mother and father. As a youth, he killed his friend in an argument and was forced to go into exile with his father, Menoetius. Four different women were named as his mother in the different tales of his life.
Plain of Olympia in Peloponnesos, Greece.
Triple Jump
There are two different types of bosleigh events. There is the two man and the four man bobsleigh races.
Tetra means four, and the thon/thlon ending generally means event. Therefore, a Tetrathlon is an a contest where four successive events are taken place. You could have figured this out from simple recognizing the prefix and seeing what words are related. A Triathlon is a contest where three events take place after the other. Tetra replaces Tri, but the idea of the word stays the same. The events of a tetrathlon are shooting, running, swimming and cross-country riding.
you have to beat the elite four to get the word ''contest'' are you sure that's right? i already beat the elite four and the word contest still isn't there...
international athletic contests held as separate winter and summer competitions every four years in a different city
they finished by different political events.
they finished by different political events.
Four Star Playhouse - 1952 The Contest 3-6 was released on: USA: 4 November 1954
There are many Olympic events, here are four:- Athletics, Rowing, Boxing, Swimming.