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it was like it is today 183m long (true)

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Q: How long was the Olympic running track in ancient Greece?
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What was ancient Greece discus?

Dialogue is the proper word for the ancient Greek meaning discuss If the question refers to the discus - the athletic throwing event in the track and field competition which is an Olympic Games sport then we have the word discos/ δίσκος.

The Olympics were not only a single famous ancient athletic game held in Greece there were three major competitons what were they?

There were 2 major athletic events in ancient greece, (all athletic events were part of a larger celebrations about a deity) Olympia (olympic games) and Panathinaia. After that there were several festivities that had athletic games as a part of them. Isthmian,Actian,Nemean etc. Also there was the ''Heraea Games'' dedicated to the goddess Hera wife of Zeus.

What building were the ancient Olympics held?

The ancient Olympics were held at Olympia (near Elis, in the western Peloponnese, Greece). At first there was no stadium in the sense of a structure (stadion in Greek simply means "running-track"). The first stadium at Olympia was built about 550 BC, then remodelled in 500 BC with a sloped bank for spectators to stand on, and so on being re-built several times over nearly 900 years.Eventually Olympia grew into a complex of temples, accommodations, and other facilities including a stadium for running, a hippodrome for horse-racing, a palaistra for wrestling, etc, etc.

What is an ancient track?

At Hemingbrough, North Yorkshire, Haw lane is discribed as an Ancient Track in the Enclosure Award Book. It lead from a Romano/British enclosure to some Norman Closes, see webpage on Parish history. Mr. R Chilvers.

Who is the god of sports in greek?

Ever heard of Nike? Where do you think they got it from....he was the greek god of victory. The gods were surrounded with the theme of competiton. all types of sports and physical strength. See, the gods fought with eachother even if they weren't a god of 'competition' or 'strength'. It just happened.

Related questions

Where did the running games take place in the ancient Olympics?

On a track at the temple of Zeus at Olympia in Elis in southern Greece.

How big is an Olympic running track?


Where was track and field invented?

Ancient Greece.

How long was the ancient olympic track?

200 metres.

When did track and field begin?

The 1928 summer Olympic Games was the first time the sport of track and field offered events for women. There were five events available to women participants.

What is the distance around the ancient Olympic track?

200 metres.

How long is the ancient Olympic race track?

About 100 m.

Is the roman Olympic track open for the public to run on?

There is no Roman Olympic track. The Olympics were an ancient Greek religious festival, not a Roman one.

What was ancient Greece discus?

Dialogue is the proper word for the ancient Greek meaning discuss If the question refers to the discus - the athletic throwing event in the track and field competition which is an Olympic Games sport then we have the word discos/ δίσκος.

How long is the straight portion of an Olympics running track?

100 meters. The entire track is 400 meters around.

Is Justin Gatlin running at the 2008 Olympic games?

No he is not, as he is currently banned for professional Track and Field running.

What is the history of track?

The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BC. The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games. This is a modern event that started in 1896.