it was a foot race that was a single lap of the stadium or 400 meters
The rules of Diaulos are comparable to the rules for the modern 400 meter dash. Diaulos was a race that became a first addition to the Olympic program during the 14th century.
400 meters
Mr. Tumnus plays the flute in C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.
Famous athletesFile:Bases_of_Zanes.JPGFile:Bases_of_Zanes.JPGBases of Zanes, paid for by fines from those who cheated at the Games from Athens: Aurelios_Zopyros(junior boxing)from Sparta: Acanthus_(Spartan) (running: diaulos)Chionis_of_Sparta(running: stadion, diaulos, long and triple jump)Cynisca(first woman to be listed as an Olympic victor)from Rhodes: Diagoras_of_Rhodes(boxing 79th Olympiad, 464 BC) and his sons Akusilaos and Damagetos (boxing and Pankration)Leonidas_of_Rhodes(running: stadion, diaulos and hoplitodromos)from Crotone: Astylos_of_Croton(running: stadion, diaulos and hoplitodromos)Milo_of_Croton(wrestling)Timasitheos of Croton (wrestling)from other cities: Koroibos_of_Elis(stadion, the very first Olympic champion)Orsippusof Megara(running: diaulos)Theagenes_of_Thasos(pankration)non-Greek: Tiberius(steerer of a four-horse chariot)Answers.comNero(steerer of a ten-horse chariot)Varastades, Prince and future King of Kingdom_of_Armenia, last known Ancient Olympic victor (boxing) during the 291st Olympic Games in the fourth century
Famous athletesFile:Bases_of_Zanes.JPGFile:Bases_of_Zanes.JPGBases of Zanes, paid for by fines from those who cheated at the Games from Athens: Aurelios_Zopyros(junior boxing)from Sparta: Acanthus_(Spartan) (running: diaulos)Chionis_of_Sparta(running: stadion, diaulos, long and triple jump)Cynisca(first woman to be listed as an Olympic victor)from Rhodes: Diagoras_of_Rhodes(boxing 79th Olympiad, 464 BC) and his sons Akusilaos and Damagetos (boxing and Pankration)Leonidas_of_Rhodes(running: stadion, diaulos and hoplitodromos)from Crotone: Astylos_of_Croton(running: stadion, diaulos and hoplitodromos)Milo_of_Croton(wrestling)Timasitheos of Croton (wrestling)from other cities: Koroibos_of_Elis(stadion, the very first Olympic champion)Orsippusof Megara(running: diaulos)Theagenes_of_Thasos(pankration)non-Greek: Tiberius(steerer of a four-horse chariot)Answers.comNero(steerer of a ten-horse chariot)Varastades, Prince and future King of Kingdom_of_Armenia, last known Ancient Olympic victor (boxing) during the 291st Olympic Games in the fourth century
Dolichos, hoplitodromos, diaulos, stadion, hippios, chariot racing, boxing, pankration, wrestling, and the pentathlon which considered of wrestling, stadion, long jump, javelin throw, and discus throw.
The original Olympic games in ancient Greece featured a combination of athletics and combat events. The main events included foot races of different distances, such as the stadion and diaulos, as well as the pentathlon, which included running, jumping, throwing the discus, throwing the javelin, and wrestling. There were also combat events such as boxing, pankration (a martial art), and the hoplite race, where athletes ran in full armor.
The ancient Greek Olympic sports were mostly throwing events like javlin. They also had running and long jump and high jump.
Ancient Olympic games The Greeks did Javelin throwing, weightlifting, swimming, fencing, gymnastics. Stadion, Diaulos, Dolichos, Hoplitodromos, Pygme / Pygmachia, Pale, Pankration, Chariot racing, long jump, discus throw. The Pentathlon were the five major games of the Olympics. They were: Pale, Stadion, Long Jump, Javelin and Discus Throw. Stadion was a type of foot race. Diaulos was a race around a peristyle (a court enclosed by columns), the great court of the Palaestra, which measured two stadia (1,200 ft., 360 m) in length. Hoplitodromos was another kind of Ancient foot race. It was the last of all foot races to be added to the Olympics. It made its first appearance at the 65th Olympics in 520 BC. Pygme, or Pygmachia, was an Ancient type of Boxing. Pale was kind of like boxing, but not so protected. Pankration was like a fight to the death with two rules: no biting, and no poking the other guy in the eye. It was a little like modern day Martial Arts. Chariot Racing is pretty self-explanatory. You got in a Chariot that was attached to two horses, and raced around the stadium.
Only free men were allowed to participate in the Ancient Olympics. The games lasted for five days and included a race that was between 180-240 meters called the stadion, the diaulos (double the stadion), another race called the dolichos, and the hoplitodromos another race. Other games were eventually added, such as wrestling, boxing, and pankration, a pentathlon (including discus, javelin, and long jump), and a chariot race.
At first, the Olympic Games contained one event: the stadion race, a short sprint measuring between 180 and 240 metres, or the length of the stadium.The diaulos, or two-stade race, was introduced in 724 BC, during the 14th Olympic games. The race was a single lap of the stadium, approximately 400 metres.A third foot race, the dolichos was introduced in 720 BC. The length of the race was 18-24 laps, or about three miles (5 km). The event was run similarly to modern marathons-the runners would begin and end their event in the stadium proper, but the race course would wind its way through the Olympic grounds.The last running event added to the Olympic program was the hoplitodromos, introduced in 520 BC and traditionally run as the last race of the Olympic Games. The runners would run either a single or double diaulos (approximately 400 or 800 yards) in full or partial armour, carrying a shield.Over the years, more events were added:boxing, wrestling, pankration (regulated full-contact fighting), chariot racing, as well as a pentathlon (consisting of wrestling, stadion, long jump, javelin and discus).See the Related Link.