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No US president was drafter by an NFL team. However, President Gerald Ford turned down offers from the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions to instead pursue a law degree from Yale.

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Q: What president of the US was drafted by a NFL team?
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Can a US President be drafted?

Not while they are president. They are commander and chief of the armed forces. They run the show.

What is the best NFL team in US?

The the packers

Has any us president ever be drafted into the nomination for president?

I am not quite certain how you define "drafted", but there were presidents who did not openly campaign for the nomination. Among these were Washington, Taylor, Pierce , Grant and Eisenhower.

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Thomas Jefferson but at that time he wasn't presidant

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How many professional NFL players are there in the US?

Each NFL team is allowed to have up to 53 players. In 2011 the total number of teams was 32 and there were 1,696 NFL players in the US.

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No US president went to Canada to avoid the draft. Jimmy Carter was sympathetic to such people and he issued a blanket pardon to them.

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Detroit Red Wings, 1968 RW Herb Boxer

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Worldwide it's the NBA, no question. NFL fandom barely exists outside the US.

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No it was drafted in philidelphia

Do the members of the winning team of a Super Bowl game get to meet the US president?

Yes, they do get to meet the President.