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"The cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy and, while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge and the only security that freemen desire."

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Q: What are some quotes made by Mirabeau B Lamar?
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What are some alikes between Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar?

They were both presidents of the Republic of Texas.

What were some of Mirabeau B Lamar accomplishments?

vice president of the repulic of Texas, and president of the repulic of texas

What are leadership characteristics of Mirabeau B Lamar?

Some leadership characteristics of Mirabeau B Lamar include being a visionary, assertiveness, and determination. He is known for his vision of creating a prosperous and independent Republic of Texas, and he worked assertively towards achieving this goal. His determination and dedication to the cause of Texas independence made him a respected leader during his time.

What is the difference between Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar?

Well, honey, Sam Houston was the first President of the Republic of Texas and known for his diplomacy with Native Americans, while Mirabeau Lamar was the second president and more focused on expanding Texas territory through military means. In short, Houston was the smooth talker, and Lamar was the one ready to throw some punches.

What did Jesse Owens Mean when he stated some of his famous quotes?

He ment that he made up some of hes own quotes

What were some quotes made by joseph-armand bombardier?

Young Wild ANd Free

What are some quotes made by famous people in Texas?

Jesus take to wheel

How are presidential quotes made?

Presidential quotes are not actually made, they are quotations that have been taken from speeches or interviews of various Presidents. There are a number of sites available to read some of the Presidential quotes but the most detailed site appears to be the "Brainy Quote website with listing of quotes from a wide range of Presidents.

What where some quotes made by John F. Kennedy?

Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.

Who are some authors noted for nature quotes?

There are so many authors noted for their quotes on anything and everything you can think of. Some of the most popular nature quotes have been made by the likes of Albert Einstein, Lou Holtz, and even Anais Nin.

What are some quotes for Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe?

everything's made to be broken - song (everything's made to be broken)

What were some of maribeau lamar's accomplishments?