Different people throughout history have had very different lives. The one of the most important things to remember is that people have only been able to use electricity for a couple of hundred years, but humans have been around for thousands of years. So for most of that time there was no TV, no internet, no lights.
Life was much harder for people in the past. They had to get up as soon as the sun came up and go to work (that included a lot of children - before school was compulsory) and they would work until the sun went down (because they didn't have electric lights).
But there are lots of differences between the way different people lived - cave men lived in caves, but Victorians lived in houses, and the Romans even had underfloor heating!!
animal fats and hide
the boys went to school only if they were rich though.
they dug a hole in the ground and They would go to the bathroom (piss, they would say back then).
Diggers would have worn heavy trousers and boots. They would not have had many articles of clothing and would have worn the same things day after day.
They did not believe that good hygine resulted in staying healthy, so to them using soap was worthless, except to smell good. In the olden days, you were sick because God didn't like you.
Greeks and Turks, and in the olden days the Ottomans
Same place everybody does today.
yes they did have needles in the olden days
what were shops like in the olden days
Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".
Why was an oasis surrounded by a wall in the olden days
Discuss the purification methods used in the olden days
what did thety wash their clothes with back in the olden days
they wear loads of types of clothes in the olden days including sweatshirts.
today's life is better than olden days
olden days irons were built using stone or antique metal
in the olden days we used smoke,light reflection and beacons