No, if a tie rod is broken you would have no steering control.
Easy answer. You can't travel more than a few feet with a broken tie rod. A tie rod is an essential link between the steering wheel and the tire. A broken tie rod will allow the tire to steer any direction with no control by the driver. --Ken
tie it
Vice president.
usually nine unless there is a tie ballgame then the game could go on and on until the tie is broken
You use nylon strings called sidewall and tie knots and loops to string the mesh into the head.
A tied is broken by another race of the same even between those indiviuals that tied (usually 2).
The President of the Senate (VP of US) votes to break ties.
If you want to, but it might eat away it the matial. Its safer to just leave it as it is. trust me i tryed it. Its broken now.
you tie a knot on the bottom of the hole weave in and out of each diamond then come through the second whole after you weaved through all the diamonds and tie it off with a knt