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Simply... the valve is a one way valve that lets in air one way but does not let air out. It it basically a hole with a flap on the inside. The flap closes when pressure is pushing out but opens when pressure is pushing in.. like when you put in the pump nozzle.

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Q: How does a basketball air valve hold in the air?
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Where is the tire valve on cryptids island?

At Loch Ness, click the left side of the truck, then click and hold the valve stem (arrow) until enough air escapes.

How much air can a basketball hold?

I think it is like 4-6 pounds or something :)

How do you replace basketball valve?

Buy a new basketball.

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.

How do you blow up a basketball with no needle?

You can try using a straw to inflate the basketball by inserting it into the air valve and blowing air through the straw. Another option is to attach the air valve of the basketball to a hair dryer on cool setting to inflate it. Be cautious not to overinflate the basketball to prevent damage.

What is the type of air valve?

if you are asking about the air valve on the tire to add/let out air then it is a schrader valve or an American valve

How long do you take on the tire on cryptids island?

Hold the valve stem until enough air has gotten out of the tire.

If a basketball measures 24 centimeters in diameter what volume of air will it hold?

4/3 x pi x 1728

What is the function of a Schrader valve?

A Schrader valve is a type of valve commonly used in car tires and bicycle tires to allow for inflation and deflation of the tire. It is designed to hold air pressure in the tire and can be easily accessed for adding or releasing air using a pump or pressure gauge.

How do you press the valve stem on cryptids island?

At Loch Ness, click the left side of the truck, then click and hold the valve stem (arrow) until enough air escapes.

Air shocks has to mouch air how do you remove?

The shocks have a air valve just like a tire valve, just take the cap off the valve and depress the insert in the valve to let air out.

It pops because of how much air there is in. The air takes over and makes the basketball rip. Too much air can cause a reaction to the basketball. Why does a basketball pop?

a basketball is kinda like a ballon if it has to much air it pops