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Q: Would spectators wear clothes in the ancient Olympics?
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Similarities of the clothes in ancient and modern Olympics?

most likely no...... because look at the clothes that people were nowadays and ask your self do i think that they made clothes like that way way back then i would say no....

What clothes did they wear in th 1896 olympic games?

they did not wear any clothes but oil (men). well that was in the ancient Olympics not this modern Olympics. today they wear clothes.

What was the penalty for woman who attend the Ancient Olympics as spectators?

They would be killed ... but it's extremely unlikely that a woman could compete because they would play the Olympics naked, so that it was clear that all the athletes were men. Unmarried women were allowed to attend the games, since the Olympics were thought to be a good place for them to meet their future husbands. Married women were not allowed to attend, under penalty of death.

If the Olympics were never cancelled how many ancient Olympics games would have been held?

suck it!!

What were there rewards in th ancient Olympics?

They would get rocks shaped as Zeus

How long would athletes training for ancient ancient Olympics?

about ten months, the equivalent to the Greek year

Why did ancient Egyptians put clothes in their sarcophagus?

So that the dead people would have clothes in the afterlife.

Were the ancient games more fair and square than the Olympics?

In the ancient Olympics men performed for Zoos! Father of the Olympiads, hence the name Olympics. Who would dare cheat, while performing for an all seeing god?

Why are athletes so important to ancient Greece?

Without them the ancient Greeks would not have been able to start the Olympics.

What would you where if you were in the ancient Olympics?

in the ancient greek caulture you would most likely where ur everyday cloths like robes and other things.

Why were Ancient Olympics made to honor the gods?

Because the ancient Greeks believed they would earn respect and the gods would bring them good fortune.

What kind of clothing did the Ancient Greek wear at the first Olympics?

The Greeks are know to have had a tradition of nudity in Athletic competition. It is believed that athletic nudity was introduced in 720 BC by the Spartans. This practice was adopted early in the Olympics.