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it depends on how heavy u are lifting and how often, i have been weight training since i was 10 years old, along with running and Rugby. my muscles r alot mur developed than my friends and allot stronger.

you must make sure that you are doing low weight but high reps. e.g start on a low weight that's right 4 u and lift 15-20 reps. and as you get older you can start getting higher weight lower reps like me. goodluck

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Q: Would it hurt you if you start at the age 11 to start lifting weights?
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Why is it bad to do weights as a tennager?

Because teenagers are still growing and lifting weights can stop their growth. If you start bodybuilding, then be careful and consult a doctor when you feel something is not right. Don't hurt yourself.

Is dangerous for a 3 year old been lifting weights?

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Should 13 year old be lifting 25 pounds?

there are many different ways that you can lift something. i would need to know how you are lifting this weight. but, if you can lift it and it doesn't hurt then you should be fine. although it is said that you shouldn't be lifting weights until youre older, as it can affect your development.

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Yes. But dont lift too heavy, you may hurt yourself. Have an elder supervise you so that you can be safe.

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Yes this is very VITAL for future muscle development. I and others recommend 13 as a good age to start lifting, depending on what body type you are will determine the weight you should be lifting. After lifting to grow the muscle i would recommend muscle milk, or other types of protein shakes to build the muscles and repair them as well.

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Should eleven year old boys lift weights?

Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights while you are still growing does not stunt growth. It was believed that breaking a bone could damage the ends of the bones that are still growing, but this is not the case. Strength training has only benefits, if done correctly, whether you are young or old.

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it would start bleeding and would hurt a lot.

Does lifting weights for half an hour a day stunt growth in height?

No. It's an urban legend that weight lifting stunts ones' growth. Dumbells wil certainly not do anything to affect your growth. If you ever attempt heavy squats (not dumbells), it's important to have proper supervision: poor form could result in an injury to your back, which might ostensibly stunt your growth. Barring an injury, however, you can do whatever lifting you like and not hurt your growth.

Is it safe for a 13 year old to be going to the gym regularly and working out?

Depends on how much you work out. 30 mins is good but that is without lifting heavy or very heavy weights because it could damage your muscles and it could hurt your bones and you could pull a muscle.