

Why sports is important in US?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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because people in the US are all obese and the only way to loose weight is to do excercise that why sport is important in the USA

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The NFL Superbowl.

Why are sports important to us?

In childhood sports are important to get rid of excess energy and foster team spirit. As we get older, into youth, sports become more competitive and demanding. In adulthood sports are a form of relaxation, but also big business.

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if your interested in sports then you can do some activity after school

What are the most important sports of the US?

football and baseball and basketball for sure hockey isn't as famous

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To stay fix and healthy

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It had an important role on alot of people, and change alot for us now today and this society, im glad we have sports today...

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Sports in our community are important because sports help you stay strong and fit.Also it is important because there are alot of fat people in the world which it is not healthy to be fat .So we all want to stay fit and healthy!

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It's not about someone else; you have to decide your balance. You should participate in sports, it's good. However, you must take are of your studies also. Neither of the two should be ignored. Later, when you see the field you are good in, make it a 60-40 for your benefit.

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First, sports can keep you healthy. Its very important to live a healthy lifestyle. Sports can also releive stress. How you ask? Well hockey for example, if you have ...

Is the greek sports the same as the US sports?

Yes and no. There are some Greek sports in the USA sports.