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Q: Why do putters intentionally foul in shotput?
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Why do shot putters deliberately foul?

They are so excited that they lose control of their bowels. And becaus ethey step over the mark instead of backing out of the circle, otherwise its a foul.

What is the height of the smallest shotput throwers?

Reese Hoffa and Adam Nelson are the two shortest shot putters on the top #15 all time shot put throwers. They are both 5' 11.5"-6'

Why do shot putter intentionally foul?


What types of products does Rife Putters sell?

Rife Putters is an online store that sells golf putters and accessories. They have accessories to customize their putters with custom grips and weights and golf balls to use with their putters.

What shape is a shotput?

shotput obviously

When was Professional Putters Association created?

Professional Putters Association was created in 1959.

What is a good but cheap putter?

Depends how cheap. Yes C groove putters, Rife putters, Odyssey and Ping putters are all excellent mid range putters. But you could also check eBay or the clearance/sale section in online shops.

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how much did victorianchildren get payed for working as putters

What is a shotput?


Is it a technical foul if a player gets intentionally fouled on a fast break?

That depends. If he was intentionally fouled but the player was going for the ball, than no. If the player was not going for the ball, than yes.

Should a batter be called out on a foul ball when he intentionally kicks it out of course?

I would imagine this could be interpreted as interference.

Why are endomorphs shot putters?
