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World Wrestling Federation had to change their name because their organisation's abbreviation (WWF) conflicted with another organisation called the World Wildlife Fund. In 2002 the World Wrestling Federation changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment.

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Q: Why did the World Wrestling Federation have to change their name?
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What was the name before world wrestling federation?

World Wide Wrestling Federation.

What was WWE World Wrestling Entertainment originally known as?

WWF - World Wrestling Federation. World Wildlife Foundation had already taken the name WWF, so they had to change to WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment.

What year did wwf turn to WWE?

The World Wildlife Foundation took The World Wrestling Federation to court to make them change their name.The World Wildlife Foundation had their name first, and so the court mandated that the World Wrestling Federation change their name, in the past, present and future.because it got to old

Why did vince McMahon change the wwf to the WWE?

Because The World Wrestling Federation had The Same Initials (wwf) As The World Wildlife Fund... The wildlife fund had the initals for Longer so the Wrestling Federation Had to Change There Name. As Sad As It was but before in the early 1990's they got limited use but the high popularity of wwf in the late 90's caused the sue

Why did the wwfe change its name?

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., changed its name from the World Wrestling Federation or WWF after a legal dispute with the World Wide Fund for Nature. In 2000 the WWF sued the WWE and forced them to change their name after violating a previous name agreement that was hashed out in 1994.

Why did mr McMahon change wwf to WWE?

WWF (World Wrestling Federation)'s name had to be changed to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) due to a lawsuit by the World Wildlife Fund for use of the initials WWF.

What year was World Wrestling Entertainment created?

WWE began as the Capitol Wrestling Corporation in 1952. Capitol was renamed WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) in 1963. It changed its name to the World Wrestling Federation in 1979. In 2002, the WWF was renamed WWE.

Why did wwf finished?

WWF (World Wrestling Federation) had to change their company's name to WWE because WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) sued them for using the same initals, and WWE lost the case, thus changing their company's name to World Wrestling Entertainment.

When was WWE formed?

WWE was initially started as the World Wide Wrestling Federation in 1963. It was renamed as World Wrestling Federation WWF in 1980 and then recently in 2002 it was renamed as World Wrestling Entertainment WWE.

Why is the WWF logo blurred out in old clips?

Whenever archived footage is shown, the old WWF logo is blurred out. This is because the World Wrestling Federation was sued by the World Wildlife Fund, which is also known as the WWF. Part of the settlement was that the World Wrestling Federation had to change their name to World Wrestling Entertainment.

Is WWE ever get a different name?

In future - maybe but I don't think so. In the past - it was called WWF - World Wrestling Federation. There were some legal proceedings raised against world wrestling federation as a result of which they had to drop the "F" from their acronym name. so, they renamed themselves as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)

When did they made wwf?

The WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) was founded in 1953. Its name was later changed to WWF (World Wrestling Federation) and then changed again to its current name, WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).