

Why did ballet come to US?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why did ballet come to US?
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When did ballet come to the us?


Where did the ballet come from?

Ballet came from Italy

Were did ballet come from?

Ballet first came from Italy.

Were Does Ballet Come From?

Ballet originates mainly from France and Russia

When did ballet come to America?

Balachine brought ballet to America in 1933.

When is Ballet Shoes coming out in the US?

I think it has come out, I just watched it this Sunday(12/13/08) on PBS.

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Where does your turn out need to come from and why in ballet?

your turn out should come from your hips. you have to turn out in ballet because that's just how it is :P

Where did the term ballet come from?

The word ballet comes from french every word used in ballet is also said in french

What country does ballet come from?


How long has ballet been around in the US?

Ballet was first introduced in the US in 1901 when The Ballet Russe, a Russian technique company started touring and perfroming in the states.

What are the top 5 ballet schools in the US?

* Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet * School of American Ballet * San Francisco Ballet School * Pacific Northwest Ballet School * Boston Ballet School