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They are mean thats why

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Addie Richard

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Q: Why do people call it softball when baseballs are really softer and softballs are harder?
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Which is harder to hit baseball pitches or softball pitches?

WELL IF YOU WATCH SPORT SCIENCE THAN IT TELLS YOU THAT SOFTBALL IS HARDER THAN BASEBALL. JENNIE FINCH BROKE BULLET PROOF GLASS BUT THE BASEBALL JUST BOUNCED OFF THE GLASS. The softball is not harder than a baseball it may be bigger but the softball is not that hard! i play softball and i know that a softball is not harder than a baseball because i got hit with a softball and it didn't hurt as much as the baseball.....and the people who were pitching pitched the exact same speed! so there u have it a baseball IS HARDER than a softball!!!! Yes it is a fact that baseballs are harder than softballs because they are wound tighter. It may be a smaller ball but it is solid. softballs are rubber with string wrapped around it so they fly almost 200 ft less than a baseball will.

Why did the people make softballs so big?

it is easier to see and hit the softball

What are facts about softball?

softball is played with bats , softballs , mits , bases , people , and a field. softball is a sport you can start at a very small age to get better so you can play travel or on a huge team for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

How softballs changed?

its changed from the amount of people who play it now than when they did in 1888, when softball was first invented. alot of the rules have also changed.

Why are softballs different sizes?

personally from a catcher as myself, softballs he are called softballs because of the size, color, and how hard it is, of course for womens softballl the ball is usually yellow with red stitching. the softball is clearly ten times larger than a regular baseball. at some times such as high school softball the ball has a soft leather outer skin but for the professionals its called the rules that it must have a hard texture. -Emmalie Finch, 22.

What have people learned about a soft softball or a hardball softball?

A soft softball is made out of foam and never actually used in a real game of softball. If it is ever used, it is probably used in PE. or in a game that is just for fun. A hard softball is used in a real game of softball. A certified softball is a lime green sort of color and comes in a variety of sizes. The smallest size is 10 inches around, another is 11 inches around, and the biggest (and the one used for college softball and the Olympic team) is 12 inches around. Most of the time you would use the smaller sized softballs in a little league and a s the kids got older, the size of the ball gets bigger. The string that hold the ball together is red, just like a baseball. Softballs weigh about 175-178 grams. It's density is 15.5 to 16.5 per square inch.

Why softball is better than softball?

Because, you get to play with other people and interact with them!!!!!! You also get to play independent!!!!SO GET YOUR BUTT UP GO PLAY!!!!!!!!!

Why is the softball bigger than the baseball?

Softball fields are actually much smaller than baseball fields. This makes softball a faster paced game. It also makes it so that you have to have fast reflexes to play successfully in the infield.

Is softball hard?

well it depends. if you get.... tired esily bruise easily or cant..... catch run or hit a ball it will probably e hard but other than that its hard but tiring

Why is softball popular?

As a softball player i must say it is popular because parents, family, friends, and fans have as much love for the games as the players. If the players aren't sure this is where they are supposed to be the games is lost for everyone.

Why is softball called softball?

Although Softballs are hard, they used to be an alternative to baseball for those who wanted a softer ball. It was big, soft, and squishy. The softball was then changed to a harder ball but the name stuck.

How many people play softball in the world?

how many people in the world are playing softball?