

Who won the hockey world cup 2006?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Who won the hockey world cup 2006?
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Which country won the World Cup in 2006?

Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.Italy won the World Cup in 2006.

Which country won the 2010 Hockey World Cup?

Australia won the 2010 world hockey cup.

Who won the hockey world cup tournament in 2010?

Australia won the 2010 FIH Hockey World Cup and Argentina won the FIH Women's World Cup.

Who won the 2008 World Cup of Hockey?

No World Cup of Hockey was held in 2008.

Who won the First hockey world cup in 1974?

There wasn't one in 1974. The first Hockey World Cup was in 1971 and was won by Pakistan.

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India has won the Field Hockey World Cup only once in 1975.

Who won hockey Russian or germen in hockey 2010?

For the World Cup of Hockey 2010, Russia won.

Which county won the 2006 World Cup?

Italy won the world cup 2006

Which hockey team in 2006 won the last world cup?

Germany, by beating Australia 4-3 in the final.

Who won the 2008 Hockey World Cup?

There was no Hockey World Cup in 2008. The previous Cup was held in 2006, where Germany beat Australia in the men's competition (in Germany) and the Netherlands beat Australia in the women's competition (in Spain). The following World Cup will be held in 2010, in New Delhi, India.'Hockey World Cup' refers to field hockey only. For the 2008 ice hockey world cup, see the related questions.

Winner of hockey World Cup 2010?

Australia won the 2010 hockey world cup , they beat Germany.

Which country won 2006 fifa world cup?

Italy won the 2006 world cup.