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No one knows that yet, but at WrestleMania 27, Triple H will face Undertaker.

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Q: Who will wrestle undertaker at WrestleMania 28?
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Will undertaker face WrestleMania 28?

yes. he will face goldberg at wrestle mania 28

Is the undertaker ever coming back after wrestle maina27?

he will probably retire before WrestleMania 28

Who did WWE superstar undertaker face at wrestlemanie 1?

At WrestleMania 1, The Undertaker did not wrestle anyone. The Undertaker wasn't in a WrestleMania match until WrestleMania VII (7).

Will undertaker go 20-0 at wrestle-mania?

his streak might come to a end 1 of these years, but undertaker will go 20-0 at wrestlemania 28.

Will undertaker be there in WrestleMania 27?

Triple H and Undertaker both agreed to wrestle in a No Holds Barred Match at WrestleMania XXVII.

Who did The Undertaker face at Wrestlemania 6?

The Undertaker did not wrestle anyone at Wrestle Mania 6. His first Wrestle Mania was 8 and he versed Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Will undertaker lose at WrestleMania 28?

No....He will win the wrestlemania 28...........

Will undertaker return at wrestle mania?

He came back before WrestleMania

Who will undertaker fight at WrestleMania 28?

the undertaker will maybe i am not sure fight thriple h at wrestlemania 28

How is undertaker injuries after WrestleMania?

He is okay he will be able to wrestle next Friday though.

Who will break the undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania?

wrestle mania 28 the undertaker will be defeated by knock out after he threatens mike Tyson at the royal rumble and mike issues the challange and the undertaker accepts the last man standig match

Will Shawn micheals defeat undertaker at WrestleMania 26?

Undertaker will probably defeat Shawn Micheals in wrestle mania. Hope this helped.