

Who uses more steroids football baseball wrestling?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Who uses more steroids football baseball wrestling?
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Is steroids used more in baseball or football?


What is the sport whos make more money?

football,basketball,wwe wrestling,baseball

Do more people like Wrestling or football?

football is 100x more poular than wrestling.

In what sport are steroids mostly used?

Data on anabolic steroid use in sports is hard to come by as they are banned in most sports. But there are many different types of steroids so they are used in a broad spectrum of sports. Steroids that help with endurance can be used in sports like distance running and swimming. Steroids assoisciated with strength will be used in sports such as weightlifting and wrestling. Others are used to increase muscle size and mass, these would be used in sports like bodybuilding. So in answer to your question anabolic steroids are commonly used in many sports and are not more highly assosciated with any one sport in particular.

Is football more famous than wrestling?

wrestling is more famous than football worldwide. In the united states, football has a monopoly. But like you may have noticed, football doesn't compete in the Olympics. Wrestling does. This is because wrestling is better known around the world than football. Very few countries outside the us have any kind of professional football league. Virtually every country has a wrestling league. Yes, football has a large number of fans, but this is only in the US. there are a great number of places that don't even know what American football is. Also the number of fans that come from America in support of football are just about equal to the number of fans from Russia in support of wrestling. What football is to the US. wrestling is to Russia. Not to mention Brazil, and their many branches of wrestling and styles of fighting. Brazil hold a large population of fans for wrestling as well. WRESTLING IS MORE POPULAR THAN FOOTBALL WORLDWIDE.

What are some favorite sports in the US?

baseball, football, and basketball are the 3 top sports. the most popular is either football or baseball. most people like one or the other, and there are generally more people who think football is more exciting, so football is considered the most popular american sport, baseball second, and basketball third. Soccer, swimming, golf, and wrestling are also some big ones...

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basketball,football,volleyball,lacross,wrestling and more

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What is more dangerous football or wrestling?

Wrestlers breaking their necks and backs is a common occurance.

Which sport is watched more baseball or Nascar?

...wrestling, it's more popular :D

What sport has caused more deaths?

I think the most dangerous sport would be wrestling 2nd would be football. (I <3 football)

What sport do they play in America?

Americans like to play ice hockey, American football, basket ball, rugby, wrestling and many more sports they like.