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Q: Who succeeded Lenin as a dictator and established a totalitarian state in the USSR?
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Who was the Russian dictator who established a harsh totalitarian communist government in russia?

Both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin imposed harsh totalitarian governments in Russia and the Soviet Union. Stalin's was harsher and more totalitarian than Lenin's though.

What person imposed totalitarian rule over the soviet union in the early twentieth century?

Lenin was the first leader of the Soviet Union and under him the totalitarian system was established.

What is true Lenin was succeeded by Stalin or Stalin was succeeded by Lenin?

I think Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.

Vladimir Lenin was the first dictator of what?

Lenin was the first dictator of the Soviet Union.

Which man established a totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin

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In a totalitarian government .?

A dictator. Russia is a fine example, lenin was a totalitariast it means he wants to control ever aspect of his peoples lives e.g. religion, hobbies, past-times and ever other aspect of their lives

Europe's first of totalarian dictator?

During WW II, Europe had three totalitarian rulers, who were Adolf Hitler, Francisco Franco, and Benito Mussolini.

What other dictator did Stalin admire?

Vladimir Lenin

Soviet leader who succeeded Stalin?

he succeeded Lenin in 1928 but Lenin died in 1924

Was Lenin in power before Stalin?

Lenin (1917-1924), but poor health prevented him from doing much after mid 1922. He was succeeded by three men ruling jointly - Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev. By 1927 Stalin had sidelined the other two and from 1928 he was the dictator of the Soviet Union.

Who rules in a totalitarian government?

A dictator. Russia is a fine example, lenin was a totalitariast it means he wants to control ever aspect of his peoples lives e.g. religion, hobbies, past-times and ever other aspect of their lives