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Q: Which man established a totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union?
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What person imposed totalitarian rule over the soviet union in the early twentieth century?

Lenin was the first leader of the Soviet Union and under him the totalitarian system was established.

How did Joseph Stalin establish a totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union?

Stalinโ€™s rule in the USSR was clearly totalitarian, but he didnโ€™t establish it as much as continue with the existing system that he took over.

Who was the Russian dictator who established a harsh totalitarian communist government in russia?

Both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin imposed harsh totalitarian governments in Russia and the Soviet Union. Stalin's was harsher and more totalitarian than Lenin's though.

How did the north Korean government come to power?

The North Korean regime was established by the Soviet Union as part of their efforts to expand the communist bloc.

Was Iraq part of the Soviet Union?

iraq was not part of the soviet union ; the political regime in iraq was first monarchy from 1932 to 1958 then an socialism regime from 1958 to us invasion of iraq 2003, iraq was a cold war ally of soviet union but he wasn't part of the soviet union

What is the most famous totalitarian system?

Perhaps the most famous Totalitarian system would be Nazi Germany during the second world war or perhaps Stalin's regime in The Soviet Union, Cuba under the rule of Fidel Castro is another good example

What did Truman mean by seeds of totalitarian regimes?

Ideas from the Soviet Union.

What country uses the government of Totalitarian?

North Korea and The Soviet Union

How were the totalitarian revolutions in the Soviet Union Italy and Germany similar How were they different?

The Soviet Union had to have a revolution to obtain a totalitarian state, Italy and Germany elected theirs. All three had a single dictator emerge.

How does a totalitarian crush opposition?

Usually, totalitarian regimes have a secret police (KGB in the Soviet Union, Gestapo in Nazi Germany, SAVAK in Imperial Iran etc.) and this secret police will arrest suspected dissidents, jail them, torture them, and disappear them. Anyone who does not agree with the regime is summarily removed this way.

What World War 2 the Soviet Union established?

The Soviet Union was established long before World War 2 began.

What were the major steps in Stalin's totalitarian rule of the Soviet Union?

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